Title: The Cherry Blossom That Never Bloomed Chapter: 2/? Author: atmosphere_zero and misfitmisfitGenre: Angst, Comedy, Drama, Humor, Romance, Yaoi, AU
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I almost screamed when I saw that this story was up-dated. I'm really getting into it, but I want to bash Byou for giving in and kissing Kazuki, at least Kouki resisted Kazami. Naughty Byou. I wanna see some action (if ya know what I mean ^.<) I want to give Kouki a big hug, he's so sweet in this fic. I can't wait for the next chap! I love how its in two diffrent pov's because you get to see everything alittle bit deeper. Popcorn x
Wow! You are fast!!! x) -- Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I'm really happy to hear that you were so excited to read this chapter. I was super excited in posting this chapter as well XP -- Hahaha, yeah, Byou is a very interesting character. I think Zero might take your advice into consideration ^o~
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that the two different POVs turned out different and interesting. Let me tell you, it's so much harder to write than we originally thought, LOLOL - but it's sure a lot of fun!
We're currently working on chapter 3, so please patiently wait for the next installment! =D
So glad you were really looking forward to this story! I was excited about this story and so I continued on with the next part once I was done with chapter 1.
Yeah, he wasn't being a very faithful partner, lol. It seems Byou's willpower wasn't strong enough to resist Kazuki. More between them is definitely coming up in the next chapter, ^_~
Glad you love the two different POV's. I have to admit, it was very strange writing Byou from first POV especially since I've never written Byou and I normally write third POV, lol.
Chapter 3 is in the middle of being written so please stay tuned!
All around, much, much better! A definite improvement since the last chapter. Kouki had definite character traits, thoughts, and memories. I liked it a lot. :3 good job!
Yaaaay!!! *does a happy dance* -- I'm glad Kouki came out 3D this time, hehe. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It means a lot to me, ^____^
Comments 5
I wanna see some action (if ya know what I mean ^.<) I want to give Kouki a big hug, he's so sweet in this fic.
I can't wait for the next chap! I love how its in two diffrent pov's because you get to see everything alittle bit deeper.
Popcorn x
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that the two different POVs turned out different and interesting. Let me tell you, it's so much harder to write than we originally thought, LOLOL - but it's sure a lot of fun!
We're currently working on chapter 3, so please patiently wait for the next installment! =D
So glad you were really looking forward to this story! I was excited about this story and so I continued on with the next part once I was done with chapter 1.
Yeah, he wasn't being a very faithful partner, lol. It seems Byou's willpower wasn't strong enough to resist Kazuki. More between them is definitely coming up in the next chapter, ^_~
Glad you love the two different POV's. I have to admit, it was very strange writing Byou from first POV especially since I've never written Byou and I normally write third POV, lol.
Chapter 3 is in the middle of being written so please stay tuned!
Chapter 3 is in the works, ^^;;;
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