This is mostly a rant entry so feel free to ignore.
Here are a few shopping ettiquette tips that you should keep in mind:
Front End is not a cart corral.
Baskets do not go on the belts, other registers, the chairs, in the aisles, or on the floor in front of the registers.
Do not bring bottle returns to the registers.
Green stamps are only for reusing bags or not using a bad at all.
The entire parking lot is not a cart corral.
You packed your basket, unpack it.
Do not try and scam the cashier.
Do not get irritated with your cashier because they have to look up the bin number that you didn't write down.
We are not your personal shoppers, if you want to make a gift basket come in the store and shop.
When asking for help, need help, do not just tell me your life story.
The sidewalk in front of the store is not a parking spot.
If you do not give me your card or tell me about your discount when I asked to not get mad at me for not putting it on your bill.
Unless there is something limiting you, such as small children or physical limitations, BAG YOUR GROCERIES!
Do not let your kids play with the ATM.
Actually read the sales tag, not just assume whatever you want is on sale.
Yes, we have to ask if you are an owner, there are over 13,000 and I don't remember who is and who isn't.
Do not turn the lights on in the middle of the afternoon.
Do not turn the lights on and off.
Watch your damn kids.
Your kids should not be skating in the aisles, playing with the unoccupied registers, flicking the lights on and off, running around the store, poking the cashier.
Do not leave your receipt on the register, if you don't want it throw it away.
The carts and baskets are not garbage containers.
Hand your money to the cashier, do not throw it at me or put it on the belt.
If you do not bag your groceries then do not complain about how they were bagged.
If you have wet produce, put it in a bag.
We are not free babysitters and we will not watch your kids just because you choose to leave them by the registers.
If you make a mess clean it up or tell someone, do not leave it there.
Do not talk on your phone when you are checking out.
Do not get annoyed at me for talking over your phone because I am trying to do my job.
Do not treat me like an inferior, I am a human being and I am working a job just like you.
Ok there is that rant, here is another one that has also been very prevalent in my mind.
Hi, my name is Hobbes. Yes, I failed at college. Yes, I am much younger and more inexperienced than you. Yes, I have not lived your life. But you know what? FUCK OFF! Just because I am "a kid" doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I've driven down there over a dozen time in the last few months, guess what I know the best way. Don't shrug off my ideas and suggestions just because you didn't come up with them first. Stop telling me what I should or shouldn't do with either my character or my life. Yes I do sometimes needs advice and input. That doesn't mean that I need you to tell me what to do. Its my life and I am going to live it my way. And I'm sorry you married a loser, I am , but that was your choice and I am not you. You think you have it tough? Trying walking in my shoes for a little while. Good Gods I told you I was trying to kill myself and you were telling me about how hard it is to pay for daycare. AFTER SOMEONE OFFERED TO PAY FOR IT FOR YOU!!!! I am not an engineer. My physics and trigonometry are a little rough. I am not stupid!! At least I can fucking read! Ha! I know math I just need a bit of time to come up with the answer because I do NOT use it every day. You are not the hot shots you think you are. I chose to go back to school. I chose what program to be in. I really don't need your opinion about my prospects and I certainly don't need you telling me that its too hard for me why don't I just do a technical program. And if you are going to talk to someone because I can't, do not twist my words and make me sound so malicious. Stop bitching about people because you didn't get what you wanted because you are a flake! And if you honestly think I am going to defend you, you need to think again. Do not complain or put people down because you don't read then same things they do and they didn't tell you. Either jump on the bandwagon or accept it and shut up!
Ok, I am mostly done with that one. And it doesn't concern any one who reads this, I just needed a place to vent. Though I'm sure a few of you out there know who I am talking about. But here is some good news. A cousin of a friend of mine can to see me yesterday. Ok really he was just shopping in my store, but he said he was glad I was there because he wanted to tell me something. He is now a proud papa. A little girl named Lola! Aww so cute! It was good to hear and I wish them many blessings. Ok, this is it for me tonight. Oh wait,
Hey Ben! Whatcha doing sunday?