talking yourself through your drama is certainly acceptable. it's pretty much all i do on livejournal anymore. it's almost like, what's the point in having one if you dont just rant out all the shit that's bothering you in an online journal for no one in specific to read. Christa sounds awesome. hahaha.
get out and adventure. if anything, it's a good distraction. i've been living nocturnally and frequenting ottawa at ungodly hours and it's new and enjoyable.
best advice i got this year was "do something that scares you. be happy. have fun."
eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we are dying. (that actually wasnt the best advice i got this year. i just heard it in a dave matthews band song once and thought it was a madrigal song or something. nonetheless, dave matthews has always proven himself exceptionally wise. so.)
my LJ name is ridiculous. i only got a new one in february because of my sister sarah and my friend dave and i couldnt think of a name, so i just used liz, which is what my ex-bf's uncle called me. (middle name's elizabeth.) we are mutually friended for sure now. awesome possum.
Comments 4
get out and adventure. if anything, it's a good distraction. i've been living nocturnally and frequenting ottawa at ungodly hours and it's new and enjoyable.
best advice i got this year was "do something that scares you. be happy. have fun."
eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we are dying.
(that actually wasnt the best advice i got this year. i just heard it in a dave matthews band song once and thought it was a madrigal song or something. nonetheless, dave matthews has always proven himself exceptionally wise. so.)
also, lj was made for bitching and personal drama
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