What: Winry decides she needs to get Izuru out to the beach again~
Who: Winry, Izuru
When: Wednesday, July 29th
Where: A beach
Rating: PG?
Open/Closed To: Izuru
Winry hopped out of the driver's seat and hurried around to the back of her car. She pulled off her tank top and shorts. She hadn't bothered to buy a new pair of board shorts, so surfing in her bikini was the only option. It was more comfortable usually anyway and it would help her keep up her tan. She'd hate for the rest of her to get darker and her thighs to be a shade paler.
She pulled her surf board out and looked expectantly towards Izuru. She leaned against the car for the shortest of moments before jumping away from it. "Ow! Ow! Hot!" Good job. Real smooth, she mentally berated herself. A light blush covered her face, but she recovered quickly and did her best to hide the pink stain on her cheeks. She turned towards the beach and looked out at the water. "So! The water looks great. I wanted to go out surfing last Saturday, but I just ended up doing some work on my tan." She stretched one arm up above her head, keeping the other on her board.