Yeah um honestly do you think your pretty? Or something because your nasty looking. And fat maybe if you grew a mustace you could pass for a man. Hey get some surgery. and MAYBE a gay guy would well no nevermind false alarm. your to fat not gonna get onto that subject. bye fatass :)'re pretty damn dumb. It's funny cuz the point of this entry was to say how ugly my hair was..nowhere did it mention that i thought i was pretty. To be honest w/ you..i do think i'm kinda pretty. Well..i know i'm not completely ugly anyways. So yeah..fuck you. You seriously need to learn how to spell and learn where to put a period. It's "you're" not "your".."too" not "to"..and mustache has an 'h' in it. This comment doesn't even piss me of cuz it's so retarded and pointless.
Hey, Erin. This is Steven, that kid that was at Brittney's house when you and Allyssa went over there. You probably don't remember but I saw this link somwhere and I read this comment thing and yea, I agree with you about that comment. And I also hate when people put "your" instead of "you're" and "to" instead of "too". Stay cool, I'm gone.
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