One of these things...

Dec 05, 2003 06:07

I ____ Wes.
Wes is ____.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would _______.
Wes loves _____.
I think Wes should______.
one thing Wes should change is _____ .
Wes hates _____.
Wes needs ____.
Wes will never ______.
i've always wanted to tell Wes_____
I want to _________ Wes.
Wes can ______ my _______.
Wes is my _____.

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Comments 12

roadsidecarnage December 5 2003, 13:11:25 UTC
I Humblly confess my feelings for Wes.
Wes is a dominatrix at heart.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would be slyly convinced into making out.
Wes loves a good ass.
I think Wes should make me smile yet again another day.
one thing Wes should change is the whole Masturbating at band practice thing.
Wes hates Nigga's who don't pay for the deal foo.
Wes needs to be older.
Wes will never cease to amaze me.
i've always wanted to tell Wes to please take his finger out of there...
I want to give my heart to Wes.
Wes can hug______ my <---change to me______.
Wes is my _____.


roadsidecarnage December 5 2003, 13:11:44 UTC
I Humblly confess my feelings for Wes.
Wes is a dominatrix at heart.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would be slyly convinced into making out.
Wes loves a good ass.
I think Wes should make me smile yet again another day.
one thing Wes should change is the whole Masturbating at band practice thing.
Wes hates Nigga's who don't pay for the deal foo.
Wes needs to be older.
Wes will never cease to amaze me.
i've always wanted to tell Wes to please take his finger out of there...
I want to give my heart to Wes.
Wes can hug______ my <---change to me______.
Wes is my ho.


bloodfl_wers December 5 2003, 13:32:21 UTC
I <3 Wes.
Wes is a cutie pie.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would get drunk with him :-D.
Wes loves the get up kids.
I think Wes should HANG OUT WITH ME.
one thing Wes should change is Hmm.
Wes hates girlz.
Wes needs a hug.
Wes will never ummm haha this one's hard ;/.
i've always wanted to tell Wes that he should always be strong and that he's a sweet boy.
I want to makeout with Wes. AHA jay slash kay. <3
Wes can tickle my pickle.
Wes is my hunny bun. ahaha

Okay so, not the best. BUT I TRIED. <3


asleeponthemoon December 5 2003, 14:07:02 UTC
I care for Wes.
Wes is adorable.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would do something i might regret 0_o.
Wes loves dancing.
I think Wes should hang out with me sometime.
one thing Wes should change is the school he goes to.
Wes hates baggy pants.
Wes needs icecream.
Wes will never kill someone.
i've always wanted to tell Wes uhhh....
I want to hug Wes.
Wes can rock my world.
Wes is my friend.

haha um don't take any of those the wrong way.


sevenxsomething December 5 2003, 21:21:53 UTC
I looooooooooove Wes.
Wes is a hottie.
If I were alone in a room with Wes, i would lick texas more.
Wes loves me, duh.
I think Wes should come over.
one thing Wes should change is his underwear .
Wes hates things.
Wes needs loooooove.
Wes will never diiiiiiiiiiiie.
i've always wanted to tell Wes that he is a black woman.
I want to rape Wes.
Wes can skjdlksjd my dfdfgd.
Wes is my beau.


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