Z's 2022 Wardrobe, Part 2: Casual Wear and Accessories

Jan 21, 2022 18:09

*Due to size restrictions this is Part 2 of my overgrown wardrobe. If you missed the dresses, skirts, and blouses, they are here!*

~Casual Wardrobe!~

Welcome to my mess room once again!

Did it get fancier? Yes.

Did it get more cluttered? Also yes.

Did my Hangry & Angry family grow? Of course!

I even have a real rug now, which I got for Christmas!


Most of these have no Lolibrary info and are from 2006-2011

h.Naoto tanktops

Top: h.Naoto Anarchy, Frill x2, Jelly x2 Bottom: h.Naoto Blood x4, h.Naoto USA

Punkier tanktops

Top: Algonquins, Pink House, Sixh. x2Bottom: Hangry & Angry x4

I actually wear tanktops the most in all seasons since that's what I play DDR in, and I go at least 1-2 time a week.

Tanktop dresses, which are great for DDR playing

Top: Hangry & Angry (left), A.R.W., h.Naoto Jelly, BtSSB: Logo Print Cami Dress

Bottom: Putumayo: Ornament/Gate Cami JSK, Striped Bottom Print Tunic Dress, Hangry & Angry: Eyeball Print Cami Dress

Cuter/sweeter short sleeve shirts

Top: Axes Femme, Angelic Pretty: One Piece Perona Cutsew (2016), MAM: Crown Cutsew

Bottom: Axes Femme, BtSSB: Torchon Lace Cutsew, ETC, AaTP: Shirring Cutsew (2016)

Frill shirts

All are h.Naoto Frill, even the one that says "Honey"

Top: Ribbon & Lace (2012), Tea Party Print (2008), Puff Sleeve Ribbon Cutsew (2012)

Bottom: "Fashion Addicted to Honey". Strawberry Shortcake x2, Frill Design (no) Choker Cutsew (2011)

Short sleeve h.Naoto shirts

h.Naoto Anarchy (left), Top: Seven Deadly Sins, Gramm x2

Bottom: MAM Chainsaw Girl, h.Naoto Blood x2

H&A short sleeve shirts

All Hangry & Angry except bottom second to the right, which is a fashion show shirt from 2004. (But obviously has H&A on it)

This eyeball shirt is one of my favorite things.

Short sleeve dresses, which are great for biking.

Ghost of Harlem (left), h.Naoto USA, Frill, Honey

Bottom: All Hangry & Angry

The Frill dress on top is my favorite cutsew. I have two of these, one for each house I live at. It's my default outfit as an anime character.

3/4 Sleeve tops, which are good for about 1 week in October before it's too cold.

Top: Sexpot Revenge (left), h.Naoto Blood, hEaven x2

Bottom: Hangry & Angry x2

Cuter shirts

Top: Axes Femme x3

Bottom: Axes Femme, Shirley Temple

(Mostly) h.Naoto longsleeve shirts

Top: h.Naoto Blood, BPN, Algonquins, Mint Neko x Golden Bomber

Bottom: all h.Naoto Blood, last 2 from 2009

Second from the left on bottom is a cherub holding a cross, another fave for the angel obsession.

H&A longsleeve shirts

All Hangry & Angry, all the time. Seriously, I always have something from H&A on me on casual days.

Longsleeve cutsew dresses

Top: Hangry & Angry

Bottom: Putumayo: Arch OP, Jewelry Drape Print OP

Top left H&A dress is my default winter outfit.


Short breezy skirts

Top: Sixh., Secret Honey, Ank Rouge

Bottom: Angelic Pretty: Holy Lantern (2013), BtSSB: Original Tartan Scalloped Winding Skirt (2007)

These short skirts are also good for playing DDR with shorts underneath. I'm sorry I sweat into my Holy Lantern. :<

(mostly) h.Naoto skirts

Top: H.Naoto Blood, Frill, BPN

Bottom: H.Juliette, h.Jelly, h.Naoto Blood

This h.Juliette skirt is clearly a Blood print, but that's okay. Juliette is impossible to find. The big pouch on it is detachable!

H&A skirts - my loves

All Hangry & Angry

Bottom right is the skirt the Dal Angry doll wears.

Long skirts

Hangry & Angry: Dead plushie skirt, Sixh. H&A again

The dead plushie skirt is maybe the weirdest and coolest skirt ever. It's covered in unstuffed H&A plushie bodies!


Petticoat pinwheel, made of 6 h.Naoto Frill/Jelly volume skirts.

Top: AatP: Unknown Velvet Bloomers, Frill Frill Pants (2012), h.Naoto Frill: Lemon Print Bloomers, Bodyline: Ladder Lace Bloomers (20??)

Bottom: Meta: Unknown Long Bloomers, BtSSB: Cherry Lace Bloomers (2010), Torchon Lace Bloomers (2010), Cotton Lace Bloomers (2006)

The Bodyline bloomers say they're from 2010, but I've had them since at least 2006. They're probably the item I've had the longest.


Axes Femme: lace boleros x 3, plain black bolero

Top: Innocent World: Small Flower Lace Bolero (2008), BtSSB: Transparent Knitting Bolero (2013), Heart Knit Bolero (20??), Liz Lisa Fur Bolero

Bottom: Innocent World: Angora Bolero (2006), BtSSB: Ribbon Transparent Knitting Bolero (2014), Another Heart Knit bolero (20??)

Knit boleros are my favorite thing these days. They're extra comfortable to wear over blouses, and extra warm. Even as a kid, I thought grandma sweaters looked best with dresses.

Top: AaTP: Ribbon Bolero (2010), Ozz Croce

Middle: h.Naoto Frill, Hangry & Angry, h.Naoto Frill (again)

Bottom: h.Naoto Jelly, h.Naoto Blood, h.Naoto Frill: Lolita Set B Bolero (2011)

The AaTP Ribbon bolero is like the sweatshirt of the bolero world with its big sleeves.

Innocent World: Heart Ribbon Trench Coat (2010), Hangry & Angry: Hospital Print Coat, Yumetenbo: DreamV Bunny Coat

I wear this H&A coat pretty much every day I'm in casual clothes in the winter.

h.Naoto Jelly (left), Victorian Maiden: Swallowtail Short Coat (2012), Metamorphose: Ribbon Short Coat with Cape (missing all its ribbons) (2014)

Yumetenbo: DreamV Cream Coat, BtSSB: Jane Ribbon Coat (2016)

I still use the cape from this Meta coat with all my other black coats.

Metamorphose: Dolly Bustle Ribbon Coat (2011) black + brown, Angelic Pretty: Princess Coat (missing bows) (2004)

Wish I could find this Meta coat in pink! These are all more favorites.

Liz Lisa: Pink coat + gloves and ETC beret, BtSSB: Sweet Fawn Coat, cape, muffler, earmuffs, (2011, first release) Infanta: Emperor Nightingale Coat II 

It took me -two years- to realize this Liz Lisa coat is missing its cuffs!

Sweet Fawn obsession has a mind of its own..


Bag collection now at full capacity... Remember when I only had 4 bags?

Top: Liz Lisa Basket, BtSSB: Ribbon Heart Bag White, Black (2003, first release), Pink (20??), Usakumya Mini Mini, Axes Femme Basket

Row 2: Liz Lisa, Innocent World: Diamond Scallop Pochette (2015), BtSSB: Versailles Rose Bouquet Bag (2011), Gobelin Angel Bag (2004), Innocent World: Angel Rose Bag (2007)

Row 3: Offbrand, Loris (with Angry charm), BtSSB: Napoleon Fish Bag (2004), Angelic Pretty: Brilliant Coffin Rucksack (2016), Moi Meme Moitie: Bat Hand Bag (2010?)

Row 4: Liz Lisa, Loris, Innocent World: Antique Book Pochette (2011), two Taobao bags

I would never know those heart bags were from 2003 if I didn't have the boxes with the item #s.

Cloth bags/pochettes

Top: h.Naoto Frill

Middle: h.Naoto Blood, Hangry & Angry: Backpacks, Hangry Face Pochette

Bottom: BtSSB: Two Milk-chan Pochettes (2006) (white x white, pink x pink)

This year I discovered the official H&A plushie clothes fit these backpacks too!


Sock army is getting too large so they have been split into groups this year.Set socks were pictured with dresses, and I'm too lazy to link all of these, but I know what they are if you ask about a particular one.

Lace topped/plain socks

AaTP x2, Innocent World, Taobao x 5, Moi Meme Moitie

Top: Innocent world x2, BtSSB x1 Bottom: BtSSB

Colors that are not black

Top: Angelic Pretty, Innocent world x 4, Metamorphose x2, Taobao, Heart E, Putumayo, Alice and the Pirates

Bottom: Emily Temple Cute, Innocent World x 10

Criss-crossed ribbons and stripes. Yeah, I like lace-up ribbon socks.

Top: Hangry&Angry, Emily Temple Cute x5, Innocent World, Angelic Pretty x3, Alice and the Pirates

Bottom: Taobao x4, Baby the stars Shine Bright x 6, A+Lidel

Black and gothic socks

Top: Putumayo x2, Metamorphose, Innocent World x4, Taobao x8

Bottom: Innocent World x3, Enchanted Dreamwear x4, Putumayo x2, Metamorphose, Innocent world, BtSSB, AaTP

Shoes, top view

Top: Misty Club, Jane Marple, Guru Guru, Montreal, Rieker

Row 2: Axes Femme x3, Liz Lisa, Innocent World

Row 3: Sheep Puff, Taobao, Sosic Shop x3

Row 4: Angelic Imprint x5

Bottom: Olive & Edie, Emily Temple Cute, Bodyline x2, Taobao

To be fair, I'd buy all of those Sosic IW replicas from IW if I could find them. IW makes comfortable shoes!

Shoes, side view. Shoes are all about the side view.

I just wish it wasn't so dark...


Top: Antaina x2, Yosuke (on top), h.Naoto

Row 2: Spring Step/L'Artiste x2, Taobao, Sosic (black version not pictured)

Row 3: Fluevog, Neosens x2, Rieker

Bottom: Axes Femme x3

I wore those h.Naoto boots in the Hangry & Angry 2010 Halloween fashion show in Harajuku <3


Completely skipping hats this year, they're the exact same as last year.

Leaning tower of Kachuusha. Gotta use these stairs to nowhere for something.

Headbands all piled up, bows/combs, headdresses, bonnets. Set items were pictured with their sets. (Except for the Queen's Coach bonnet, which I forgot.)

Heap of headbands

All sorts of brands... Mostly lots of bows from Baby/AP and Taobao at the bottom.

Bonus points if you can spot Angry!

Bows/Combs from Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Headdresses from Taobao, Innocent World and AaTP, bonnet from BtSSB

My mess of a jewelry case. It's inside a mirror that hangs on my bedroom door.

I have been trying my best to improve my jewelry selection this year, but mainly in the form of necklaces and rings.

Earrings, mostly the same as previous years but with more light this time.

Rings, also with way more light... And way more rings than last year.

Lower left: Putumayo: Trump Ribbon Ring, BtSSB: Wrapping Ribbon Ring, Dot Ribbon Ring (in unlisted gold color), Sheglit: Royal Crown Ring, Justin Davis: Crown ring with rose

Middle: Metamorphose: Wing Cameo Ring, Goregro purple eye ring, leather stud ring from Brindle926

Top right: Moi Meme Moitie: Cross Candelabra Ring, Justin Davis: Chapel Crown, Yet another crown, Hell Cat Punks: Crowned Skull Ring, Chrome Hearts: Paper Chain Ring, Flower Cross Stud Ring

Necklaces (and some bracelets)! These are the additions from this year, the same ones from last year are still here too.

Top: 3 Cross necklaces from Adelia on Lace Market, Miho Matsuda: another rosary, Chrome Hearts: giant ball point pen necklace, Michal Negrin: angel, h.Naoto: birdcage, 2 Taobao/offbrand, BPN: Cross necklace/glasses chain, Michal Negrin: Flower Cross, Lily Necklace (under), MILK: Angel, h.Naoto: Coffin+Bats

Bottom: Replica of Moitie M+Rose x Cross Necklace + matching earrings by me, next to the real Moitie M+Rose x Cross Bracelet and Cross Pearl Bracelet, BtSSB: Mystery Heart Lock Watch Bracelet, Meta: Fancy Bracelet, Q-Pot: Skull and Bones Bracelet, Chrome Hearts: earrings

But why so many crosses...?

Novelty goodies!

h.Naoto: pillow, mugs/cups, whiskey glasses, bag (full of hair stuff)Alice and the Pirates: Stained Glass Angel box, Moi Meme Moitie: Iron Gate Plate, Shirley Temple: Dessert Fork & Spoon set

The Stained Glass Angel box was another giftie, I never even knew it existed before seeing it in person!

Bonus: Dolls and Plushies!

Picture from a while ago cause I was too lazy to move them all this time around.

h.Naoto: Isolde (2008), Prunella (2007), Adsiltia (2008) (Orizon not pictured, but hanging out with the girls in the h.Naoto museum that is my bedroom.)

Yes, it's dusty. Forgive me.

Innocent World: Clair (2010), Fraulein (2012)

These girls keep me company over my desk.

Doll case usually has a glass cover but I took it off for this. None of these are the official base dolls, they're all custom by me.

Left to right: Outfit made by me using h.Naoto fabric, random offbrand, Dal Kleine's outfit (IW Chocolate Teddy Bear), Super Dollfie x BtSSB Charlotte, custom wearing Mary Magdalene Momoko Doll outfit (Elodie Doll), Dollfie x h.Naoto Yui & Ran outfits

Sorry Ran has no head right now.

And of course, my Hangry & Angry family! Yes, I name them all.

Top: Black H&A (Hebi and Guts), Dal Hangry, Hangry in spilling guts outfit (Ika), Dal Angry, Purple sequin Hangry (Kira, he may be one of a kind and was used in a H&A music video)

Bottom: Gold sequin H&A, (Jyou and Rei), checkered H&A (Rook and Knight, they're giant but still official and not Taito), magenta H&A (Splat and Jelly)

...And 4 H&A zip pouches, filled with hair accessories.

I totally didn't just forget this bag I use all the time...

Final stats:

Time spent taking pictures: 10 hours ( I thought I was fast this year, but I guess not)

Time spent writing this post: 11 hours (way more than usual, I was in Lolibrary hell)

Dresses: 58 JSKs, 6 OPs (-7 sold since taking these pictures, 3 at other house)

Skirts: 15 (formal), 19 (casual)

Blouses: 35 (+6 unpictured, 1 at other house)

Boleros: 19

Coats: 14 (+2 unpictured)

Shoes: 40 (+4 unpictured)

Bags: 30 (-2 sold after pictures)

In the mail: Victorian Maiden: Fairy Doll Rococo Dress, ETC: Cherub Frame JSK in black, AaTP: Queen's Coach Headbow (black), BtSSB: Heart Pocket Frill Long Parka OP, Torchon lace big headbow

Goals for 2022:

- I say this every year, but sell enough dresses to get to 45 or less. This is the one goal I always fail.

- Continue collecting set items (especially Vampire Prelude+Mephisto Cathedrale bonnets and one more red/black+red headpiece, maybe a brown headpiece too)

- Still Napoleon Fish Bag in white

- My one remaining goal dress (go ahead and laugh, why such a random item??), BtSSB Sweet Fruit A La Mode OP in pink!

I hope this was helpful! See you all next year! (Or maybe not, if my collection changes as little as I want it to I may just do a post of additions/removals for the year.)


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