101 things in 1001 days

Sep 28, 2010 23:59

I've had this list written down in a notebook for some time now but I'm only just posting it now because computer time has been very limited with the recent visits of family. But I've finally got it finished and typed and organized. Now it's time to get to work.

name lola
age(s) 16-19
location usa

what changes do you hope to see in yourself, or your lifestyle, at the end of your 1001 days?
i know my life is going to be drastically different, even if i don't do a single thing on this list. what i want, though, is to finish what i've started, stop procrastinating quite as much, and participate in things i like, even it's a little scary to put myself out there.

which three items on your list will be most challenging to achieve?
(1) the things that involve money (such as travelling and taking classes) will be hard because money is one thing i have very little of and do not expect to get much more of any time soon.
(2) finishing the stories i've started is one thing i've never been able to do so it will need a lot of work.
(3) changing my outside appearance will require me to try and break a lot of habits that have been a part of me for my entire life: a very difficult thing, indeed.

do you have skills, expertise or knowledge that might help other members to achieve their goals, what are they? i have some experience in editing articles, original stories, fanfic and the like. if there are aspiring writers (like me), i'd be more than happy to talk writing with like-minded people. i'm a huge book nerd, as well, so i love talking about that with anyone who'll listen and give recommendations of good books. otherwise, i can't think of any skill i have that could help people but if i see something, i'll definitely speak up and lend a hand.

not started
in progress

school (high school and university)
001. break 100 average and keep it broken [4/6] half a FAIL
002. make second chair in orchestra (i did myself one better and made first!)
003. get a five on five ap exams [0/5] FAIL
004. score above a 1950 on the sat (2070!)
005. become friends with my roommate FAIL
006. win a scholarship
007. win an award
008. score a 90 or above on all of my regents exams [8/10] (goddamn physics and chemistry.) FAIL
009. apply to my 'top five' colleges [5/5] (and i got into 4 of them!)

outside knowledge
010. get a job
011. become scuba certified (XDD) FAIL (i was so close but the class is only open to columbia students. bastards!)
012. learn hieroglyphics FAIL, i guess?
013. learn a new (living) language (german)
014. learn piano (properly) FAIL (i didn't get into lessons this semester. one day.)
015. learn to draw in disney style (whether i do it well is another matter entirely)
016. learn to knit and/or sew well
017. watch movies in french without subtitles
018. take a class completely unrelated to my major
019. take a dance class FAIL (alas, no time this semester but i will before i graduate.)
020. take a kickboxing class FAIL (damn schedule!)
021. research a time period (eg. victorian england) thoroughly enough to write about it (the 1920s and i are so close now.)

art (visual, performing, and writing) (well, this is embarassing.)
022. write a story about a kickboxing ballerina FAIL
023. write/draw something in my art journal for half the 1001 days [4/500] FAIL
024. paint a self-portrait (series?) FAIL (but i'm still going to do it.)
025. make a journal by hand FAIL (this too.)
026. make art of my used books (a prisoner of azkaban was lost to the cause)
027. make art to sell FAIL (i guess none with the intention but if you want to buy, i'm more than willing to sell.)
028. make jewelry FAIL (if only this went to the end of 2010.)
029. make my own christmas cards one year (this year!)
030. paint a mural or part of a mural
031. participate in project365 for senior year FAIL
032. practice watercolors (but still practicing)
033. make a ceramic tardis FAIL (the next time i get in a ceramics studio, it's happening.)
034. complete a fanart100 or fanfic100 table [0/100] FAIL
035. start and finish one original story FAIL
036. finish five of the fanfiction stories i've started [0/5] FAIL
037. finish co-writing tpn FAIL (i think this story will always remain unfinished. maybe that's the point of it.)
038. finish nanowrimo 2007 FAIL
039. win nanowrimo 2008 (50,160!)
040. win nanowrimo 2009 FAIL (crapped out at 5000 words)
041. outline/plan nanowrimo 2010
042. start 'senior one acts' with niz FAIL
043. get a lead part in my senior show (does banquo count? i'm saying yes.)
044. audition for a show in a professional theatre FAIL (who knew i'd lose the bug for onstage work and start designing behind-the-scenes? in light of that, can interning at a professional theatre count? thoughts?)

books, movies, and tv
045. finish (re)reading the chronicles of narnia [2/7] FAIL
046. finish reading the amelia peabody series [19/19]
047. read half of the books in my 'to read' notebook [122/122]
048. reread the harry potter series all in a row [0/7] FAIL (i really wanted to set out a block of time for doing this but never found a solid few weeks that i could dedicate to harry.)
049. watch twenty foreign films [12/20] FAIL (stupid school.)
050. watch all four seasons of the office (us) [4/4]

internet and fandom
051. be more active/comment more on lj (start: 49, finish: 409) (thank you, camelot_love and onceandfutures. also, awesome number coincidence.)
052. keep a website open for one year FAIL
053. make more lj friends (hi, friends!)
054. reach 500 posts in afc [330/500] FAIL
055. attend a harry potter premiere (yes, as one of those rabid, screaming fangirls XD) (deathly hallows isn't quite in the deadline but i don't think that can be held against me.)
056. go to a (nerdy) convention FAIL
057. be a nerdfighter (always)
058. catch up on all the brotherhood 2.0 videos i missed

059. visit a new country (belgium, china)
060. visit five new cities [6/5] (brussels, bruges, boston, beijing, and (i was so hoping for a 'b' theme here but) tianjian, shanghai)
061. take a road trip (all with my brother. he's a fun travelling buddy. even (especially?) when he's being a big weirdo.)
062. send beethoven around the world and document it (new york, boston, tampa, and baltimore next. documenting not yet public.)
063. figure out the nyc subway without having to ask anyone (maps are acceptable)
064. go back to london or paris, preferably both (paris)
065. have a conversation with someone completely in french or any language other than english
066. live in a new city (new york!)
067. host a foreign exchange student and be hosted by someone else half a FAIL

community service
068. donate one million grains of rice at freerice.com [8650/1000000] FAIL (too bad i forgot about this when i had ages to waste on the internet. now i have no time at all.)
069. plant a tree FAIL
070. live more environmentally friendly (i try, success varies.)
071. donate to heifer international at least once a year

072. send snail mail to friends (somewhat) regularly (...define regularly, 2008 self.)
073. e-mail old friends once a month [3/33] FAIL (sorry, monica!)
074. make the first move FAIL
075. make 'the scrapbook' FAIL
076. have lunch with niz once a month after high school

outside me (wow, i suck at outside me.)
077. cut my hair really short
078. dye my hair a different color (semi-)permanently FAIL (although, is it really a fail if i decided i didn't want to do it anymore? my red hair define me.)
079. lose twenty pounds [0/20] FAIL
080. permanently straighten my hair FAIL (see dying my hair. my curls also define me.)
081. sit with proper posture at my desk(s) FAIL (old habits, you know what they say.)
082. try vegetarianism for three months [0/3] FAIL (hmmm, bacon.)

buy and own
083. buy a pair of heels
084. buy a video camera FAIL
085. own all the harry potter books [10/10] (foreign language editions: [2/8]) and movies [6/6]
086. save more than I spend (make a budget and adhere to it strictly) (i do this so well my mother actually gets mad at me for not buying things (she thinks) i need.)

shits and giggles
087. go out dancing for no reason
088. go to a rock concert (relient k. if i'm remembering the date correctly. see, this is why i needed to document.)
089. ride an elephant FAIL (what was i even thinking?)
090. see somebody famous in person (john green, libba bray, david levithan, scott westerfeld, john gallagher jr, stark sands, billie joe armstrong, hugh dancy, ben whishaw)
091. write a serious research paper on disney cartoons
092. waitress in a fun restaurant FAIL
093. draw one hundred obscure animals [0/100] FAIL (i totally forgot about this. i still kind of want to do it.)

094. be a regular somewhere (does the fifth floor kitchen lounge count? they know me there.)
095. give up something for the entirety of lent FAIL (i think i've been a lapsed catholic since the day i was born.)
096. see a show on broadway (phantom of the opera, mamma mia!, fela!, american idiot)
097. see three new musicals [3/3] (sweeney todd, fela!, american idiot)
098. send a secret to postsecret FAIL (i really should have paid more attention to this list and not forgotten about it completely so much.)
099. take more pictures of my friends, family, and general life FAIL

the list
100. donate one dollar for each item unfinished at the end ($48 donation (if i counted right, feel free to double check) to heifer international and and pakistan flood relief forthcoming.)
101. document my life during the 1001 days, in relation to the 101 things FAIL

if time, money, and circumstances allow (ie, extra shit and goals i hadn't thought of before ) [this is where ride an elephant should have gone.)
102. do a semester abroad
103. visit cairo
104. do all the things in 'the pirates who don't do anything' song
105. foster kittens from the spca

101/1001, 101/1001: master list

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