Starting time: 11:16am
1. Full name: Stephanie Lynne Milner
2. Nicknames: Steph, smilner
3. Birthday: February 2
4. Age: 22
5. Sex: Female
6. Social Security: Paying into it..YES...Expect to ever see any of that $$ again?...NO!!
7. Home town: Phoenix area
8. Where do you live now: Tucson
9. Zodiac sign: Aquarius
10. What grade are you in and what school do you attend? Senior at Univeristy of Arizona
11. Siblings and there ages: Kim-22, Chris-24
12. Do you get along: Yes
13. Pets: Dog-CJ, Cat-Muggles
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty
15. Bedtime: Usually between 1am and 3am.
16. E-mail: yes..I do get quite a bit of email!
*****YOUR LOOKS*****
17. Hair color: Brunette
18. Eye color: Brown
19. Do u wear contacts or glasses? Both (but not at the same time)
20. Do you have any piercings? three in each ear
21. Tattoos: Nope
22. Scars: yeah
23. Height: 5'4"
25. What shoes do you wear: that depends on the outfit...
*****JUST LATELY*****
26. Drove a car: yesterday I drove Kim and John's car
27. Met someone: I meet people every day
28. Done laundry: last week
29. Cried: No Comment
30. Wore a skirt: Not since my birthday
31. How are you today? I'm tired
32. Wearing: sweat pants, tank top, IACURH sweatshirt
33. Thinking about: how tired I feel
34. What does your hair look like at the moment?: its down and looking quite good today if I do say so myself...thanks to a great blow dryer.
35. What song are you listening to right now? "She's the Only One" by Ryan Cabrera
36. What was the last thing you ate and/or drank? a cookie and a diet pepsi last night
37. How is the weather right now? pleasant, sunny, a little chilly (for Arizona)
38. Last person you talked to on the phone: My mom
39. Watching: the desk....
40. What time is it: 11:21am
*****MORE ABOUT YOU*****
50. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 0386
51. Do you like the person who sent you this? I took it from Kim...she's aight I guess ;o)
52. How do you eat an Oreo? with milk
53. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? pink
54. Have you ever almost died: I can't recall that
55. What's the best advice ever given to you: In college you realize how superficial your friendships in high school really were. <---That's a good bit of advice we got from Mr. Antrim
56. Have you ever won any special award: Yeah...RA of the Year was pretty cool!
57. Do you like to dance? yeah
58. Worst sickness you have ever had: can't think of anything god awful
59. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done: HAHA...Friday night was pretty stupid but totally fun and worth it!
60. Whats the next CD you are going to buy: Howie Day
61. What sport do you hate the most: Football, cause my mom goes crazy!
62. Place for a dream house: the east coast
63. How many kids do you want to have: I don't think I want kids. If I do, no more than 2.
64. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone: I broke my toe
65. Who do you tell your dreams to: my friends and family
66. What are you most scared of: Losing someone I love
67. How many TV's do you have in your house: 2
68. Do you have your own home: No...but I earn my housing in Yuma :o)
69. Do you have your own phone line: a cell phone of course.
70. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: does Muggles my cat count?
71. Are you a flirty person: not really
72. Are you shy: not really
73. Are you outgoing: yes
74. Who is the loudest friend you have: Sabre
75. Who is the quietest friend you have: Kim
76. Who looks the worst in the morning: Me
77. Who's the messiest eater: Meredith :o)
78. Who's the slowest eater: Melanie
79. Who's the bossiest: Me
80. Who is the 'mom' outta your friends: Kim
81. Who are the top 3 hottest guys/girls you know?: No Comment
82. Who's the weirdest: Doug
83. Who is the funniest: Leah
84. Who do you go to for advice: friends and family
85. Who do you think about most when you're not online: No Comment
86. Who do you cry with: myself
87. What's the best feeling in the world: waking up next to someone you care about
88. When is the last time you cried: dunno
89. Is cheerleading a sport: It is in High School and College when they actually do something...not in the NFL when all they do is shake their pom poms <----agreed
90. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop: It takes roughly 100 licks to get to the center of tick-tack according to Stephanie, so if we can create a ratio between the relative size of the tick-tack and that of the tootsie pop, we could surmise the approximate number of licks it would take to get to the center of a tootsie pop. <----um...yeah
91. Which came first, the chicken or the egg: the chicken is in the they kinda came at the same time huh?!
92. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper?: Diet Dr. Pepper
93. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
94. Love or lust: love
95. Silver or gold: white gold
96. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: yes
97. What's your favorite color: pink and blue
98. What's your favorite band/singer: Backstreet Boys, John Mayer, Ryan Cabrera
99. Who do you dream about: No Comment
100. Favourite song: right now..."Collide" by Howie Day
101. Do you like to sing in the shower: no and I prefer when Kim doesn't either!!
102. Had an imaginary friend: maybe
103. Wanted to "hook up" with a friend: HAHA...No Comment
104. Cried during a movie: I can't think of one but I'm certain I have
105. Had a crush on a teacher: mmmm...yeah Dr. McGovern
106. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning: CUDDLE WITH THE MUGGY WUG!! We're together FOREVER!! (edit: So Allee apparently thinks my answer to this is creepy...and my first instinct was to delete it, but you know what?! NO! I love the Muggy Wug and she loves me!)
107. Sleep on your back, stomach or side: Stomach
108. Addidas, Nike, or Reeboks: Nike
109. Croutons or Bacon Bits: mmm....croutons I think
110. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4 is much better!!
111. Bridges or Tunnels: tunnels
112. One pillow or two: 2 but I only usually use one
113. Salt or butter flavored popcorn: Kettle Korn
114. Fizzy or still water: Bubbly bath
115. Red wine or white wine: Both
117. Rubber Gloves: doctor
118. Disney Character: Mickey
119. Fast Food place: Pei's an in-between fast food place
120. Board Game: Apples to Apples
121. Rock: "You Rock" recognition awards
122. Blue: sky
123. Wet: pool
124. Cry: tears
125. Peanut Butter: crackers
126. Hay: Hildie from Trading Spaces
127. Paper: bag
128. Wood: trees
129. Yellow: star
130. Laugh: smile
131. Ugly: mole
132. Happy: friends
*****YOU AND LOVE*****
133. Do you believe in love?: I guess so
134. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?: no
135. Do you have crush?: No comment
136. Who is your crush?: No comment
137. Are you sending this to your crush?: I'm not sending it to anyone...I'm posting it
138. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in lust at first sight, love is nurtured and fostered and grows. <--- yup
139. What song do you want played at your wedding: I dunno
140. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: good lord, you've got the same questions over and over just phrased differently...
141. Do you find yourself attractive: No
142. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Well this is certainly a heterosexist comment considering it is under the header "you and love".
(( .for girls to fill out about guys. ))
144. Long or short hair: Short
145. Good or Bad Boy: in between
146. Hat or no hat: either
147. Ears pierced or not: don't care...if it looks good it looks good!
148. Tan or fair: Healthy looking
149. Boxers or breifs: boxer briefs
150. Curly or straight hair? either
151. tall or short: Taller
152. Six pack or muscular arms: either
153. Dimples: sure
154. Stubble or clean shaven: Either
155. Glasses: Who cares?
156. Smart or dumb: Capable
157. Dependent or independent: Independent
158. Rugged or sporty: Both
159. Studly or cutie: Both
160. What sport should he play? Doesn't matter
161. Accent or not: dont care
162. Your ideal guy: dark hair, dark eyes, nice smile, sense of humor, loves animals (especially the Muggy Wug), compassionate, likes cars, ISTJ
(( .when was the last time you. ))
184. Took a shower: yesterday afternoon
185. Watched Bambi: when I was really little
186. Got a real letter: my dad sends me cards every month
187. Wished upon a star: a few days ago
188. Asked someone for forgiveness: dunno
189. Hugged someone: yeterday
190. Kissed someone: yesterday
191. Ate something: yesterday
192. Called someone: called coronado to check in at 10am
(( .what is your. ))
193. Good luck charm: my earth marble
194. Bedroom like: light colors...girlie
195. Favorite Breakfast food: Blintzes
196. Favourite lunch food: Subway
197. Best thing that happened to you today: talking to Tera
(( .what do you think about the following. ))
198. Abortion: I cannot judge or have an opinion about something I have never known. That is a situation I cannot understand because I have never been there.
199. Homosexuality: Equal rights for all Americans. And if you don't agree with it, agree to disagree. Live and let live. It doesn't impact you at all.
200. Rap: Will Smith rocks. A lot of other rap is violent and vulgar and I can't listen to it.
201. Classical: ewwww
202. Oldies: Love the oldies!
203. Swing: ehhhhh
204. 80's: The only good thing that came out of the 80s was ME!
(( .pick one: this or that. ))
205. Lights on/off: depends on what Im doing...
206. Sun, rain or snow: sun
207. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): Burger King sent us to meet the Backstreet Boys! They rock!
208. Do you like scary movies or happy movies better: Happy lovely romantic comedies
209. Backstreet boys or N*Sync: Backstreet Boys all the way! They didn't wear acid wash jeans on a regular basis and they aren't as arrogant.
210. On the phone or in person: Phone for some things, in person for others.
211. Summer or winter: Summer for no school, winter for nice Tucson winters
212. Chocolate or white milk: chocolate
213. Cd or tape: Ipod
214. Hugs or kisses: Both!
215. Cake or pie: Cake
216. Cats or dogs: MUGGLES!!
217. Mud or jello wrestling: neither
218. Skiing or boarding? Skiing
219. Day or night: Night
220. Sunset or sunrise: Arizona has beautiful sunsets
221. Diamond or pearls: Both, how can you choose? Apples and oranges!
(( .your favorite. ))
222. Candy: snickers
223. Beverage: Diet Vanilla Coke
224. Cartoon characters: Mickey Mouse
225. Sport(s): gymnastics
226. Song: "Collide" by Howie Day
227. Favorite actor or actress: Kate Hudson
228. Favourite movie: dunno
229. Tv show: Ashlee Simpson
230. Favourite food: Pad Thai
231. Ice cream: I like a lot of things
232. Subject: Diversity
233. Shampoo: Herbal Essence
234. Favourite month: December
235. Favourite number: 2
236. Favourite person to talk to online: Meredith and Sabre
((have you ever...))
237. Cut your hair yourself: no
238. Been on stage: Yes
239. Had a new kids on the block tape: yes
240. Ever thought an animated character was hot: hellz no
241. Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
242. Been hurt emotionally: Yes
243. Been in a car accident: Yes, a minor one
244. Put a body part in fire for amusement: HELLZ NO
245. Drank: Of course
246. Smoked: nope
247. Broke the law: We've all sped
248. Ran from the cops: No
249. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Yes
250. Tried to kill yourself: No Comment
251. Made your self throw up: Yes
252. Been in love: no =(
253. Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes I saved it before I finished it so I could go back and finish it later...but some people read it before I finished and replied to my journal...the following was changed:
(( .random questions. ))
254. What is the best "unexpected thing?": winning an award!
255. The most common use for Vaseline: your lips...
256. What was the name of your childhood blanket: blankie pieces...
257. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: I already answered this
258. Who is the last person that you got mail from: my dad
259. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No
260. Make 3 Wishes: to fall in love, to be successful in all my endeavors, to fall in love
261. Which stores would you choose to Max your credit card: Coach, Dillards, Coach, Saks
263. Funniest thing: "Snickerpoodle"
264. Humiliating Moments: too many to list
265. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No
266. Worst memories: Being stabbed in the back by terrible unforgivable "friendships" from high school...and yet the next day was one of the best days of my life because it was the most refreshing day I can remember.
267. Best memories: meeting wonderful friends
(( .one final note. ))
268. Who sent this to you: I stole it from Kim
269. Name one nice thing about the person who sent this too you: she's one of my best friends
270. Do you like filling these out: When I'm bored
271. How many people are you sending this too: I'm posting it to my LJ
272. Do you want you friends to write back: I love reading theses things
273. Who will respond to this email fastest: apparently Kim and Sabre did
274. Who is the least likely to respond: everyone else
275. What is the first thing that comes to mind: I'm almost done!
276. Who would you say you can trust most? my friends and family
277. Did you ever use a girl to make someone jealous: huh?
Time you finished: 10:21pm ( took 12 hours!!)