( Always under construction because there will always be new additions. ) UPDATED: 10·15·2011
A walking, living, breathing country - though Alice has seen strange enough things that this doesn't really bother her. She notices the small things about him, his light smiles, the way he holds himself around her, his quiet manner of speech, and Alice has become fond of him. She enjoys his company a lot and finds herself comfortable around him, so much that she doesn't feel any need to fill in the pauses between conversations.
He's become an important person to her, and while Alice is convinced she can't do much in the way of help she'll still offer herself to be there for him if he ever wants her to be. After his partner returned home, Alice offered to move in and since then has lived together with him. Since confronting her feelings, she and Iceland have become more than just friends and she's (nervously) pursuing a relationship with him.
Toph is Gray's Meister, and while Alice initially worried about his apparent stripping around the girl she is certain of Toph's abilities in taking care of herself. As it seems, Toph is actually very self-reliant and seems to know all the how to's of the world, or at least as much as she needs to know regardless of her age. Still, Alice wants to be somebody that Toph can trust and maybe go to if she ever feels like it.
Now that Gray has returned home, Alice keeps a close eye on Toph (from a distance) just to make sure that she doesn't get down.
Her first thought on Katsura was that he was a very serious type of person, but after getting to know him a little better (and losing at an adventure book with him) Alice has seen his notashidden dorkiness beneath the straight forward tones. His kind of personality is actually very cute in its own way, though Alice won't say so aloud in fear of offending him.
He's an incredibly sweet and thoughtful guy, so much so that Alice worries that he might be used as a doormat. With his personality, however, she would be surprised if he didn't have friends that could protect him from those types of people. Still, Alice will do what she can from the back and if all ends well she can have a friend that will always make her smile.
She first knew him as a very, very serious kind of person. In fact, her immediate impression of him was that he only cared about one thing and that was his so called "master". However, the more she talks to him the more she realizes he's actually a very loyal and strong person. He's always been kind and polite, which is a breath of fresh air after her adventures in the country of Hearts, and Alice feels like she can be somewhat normal around him even if it does seem to be that he comes from an entirely different era.
Some kind of... troll. But Alice likes to refer to him and his kind as bees, because what kind of troll lives in a hive? That's such a bee thing. Also, she just gets some sort of amusement out of aggravating the troll. On the other hand, she doesn't want to honestly upset him either. It's quite the complicated situation.
❤❤❤❤❤ HARU