cereta has Grading Hell Theater to keep from dying of boredom. I need something equivalent to keep me from killing others. (New responsibilities are frustrating enough without Boss requiring me to re-do a chunk of my work because she's got an irrational fear being yelled at by people who can't actually do so without getting their asses fired. Plus I get to interact with an entirely new group of people for whom logic and common sense do not apply -- no, really, sending the Excel spreadsheets via email is not much more work for you than printing them out and photocopying them and sending them through departmental snail-mail.)
The drabble for "The Game" is started, but the above is pretty much killing my goof-off-at-work time. It's killing off my sunny disposition and what little job satisfaction I had, too, but let's stick to the important things.
Supernatural ends tonight, but I won't see it until sometime tomorrow. I will be on super-paranoid spoiler watch until then.
Because I can do this in between bouts of ultimately futile productivity: Name a character and I'll give you three or more "facts" from my personal fanon about that character.
You're allowed to pick actual canon characters, too. ;)