Gender: Male
Birth date: Unknown
Age: Late teens
Status: unmarried
Occupation: Devil Summoner (concurrent post, Capital's protector)
Blood type: O
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
Type: Since he has a duty, he has made it his decision to ensure that it does not impact it.
Favourite Food: candied sweet potato with lots of honey
Residence: Narumi Detective Agency in Yarai-ku
瓦斯灯と電灯の夜を駆ける少年は, 帝都を跋扈する悪魔の爪から, 人々の安らかな眠りを守る.
A young man who soars through the street lamp illuminated nights of the Capital, protecting the people's peaceful slumber from the rampant claws of demons.
葛葉の里での過酷な修行を経て, 十四代目葛葉ライドウを襲名した彼は, ヤタガラスの命に従い, 鳴海探偵社に身を寄せ, 表向きは弓月の君高等師範学校ヘ通う学生蒹偵見習いとして生活する.
After completing the harsh training of the ninja village of Konoha Kuzunoha, succeeding as Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th he, in accordance to the commands of Yatagarasu, was placed under Detective Narumi, living life on the surface as a normal student at Yumizuki High School.
彼の寡黙さは, 孤独さに根を持つ.
His silentness, holds roots to loneliness.
超人てきな能力を持ち, 帝都守護の重責を担うには, あまりにも若すぎた.
Though much too young, he possesses superhuman strength, assuming the heavy responsibility of safeguarding the Capital.
高校生という多感な時期において, 彼はあまりにも特殊な環境に身を置きすぎていた.
(koukousei to iu takanna jiki ni oite, kare wa amari ni mo tokushuna kankyou ni mi o okisugiteita.)
During the susceptibility periods of high school students, he has placed himself under as a special circumstance.
(zokuseken kara kakurisareta youna kuzunoha no mura de no jugyou no hibi.)
He has trained daily in the village of Kuzunoha, isolated from the outside world.
After succeeding the Raidou name, he was dispatched to the Capital where he now spends his days.
He had no one whom he can share his feelings and thoughts which are held in every day.
それゆえに, 彼は寡黙にならざるを得なかった.
Consequently, he has become silent.
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マントの着用は, 葛葉の武具を隠し, デビルサマナーとしての能力を隠し, 社会に溶け込むためである.
The mantle is worn to conceal the weapons of Kuzunoha and his abilities as a Devil Summoner, blending into society.
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管と退魔力と拳銃は,葛葉の里にて清められた白革のホルスターを用いて装着する. バックルは銀製.
The white leather holster that has been purified at Kuzunoha Village is used to carry the demons tubes and handgun. The buckles are made of silver.
葛葉の里で修行ばかりをしてきたために, 一般の人達や都会に免疫がなく, 帝都暮らしいの毎日が, 新鮮で驚きに満ちているはず.
葛葉一族の使命は人を守る事なので, 今がその人を学ぶ修行期間なのかもしれない.
(kuzunoha no mura de jugyou bakari wo shite kita tameni, ippan no hitotachi ya tokai ni meneki ga naku, teitokurashii no mainichi ga, shinsen de odoroki ni michiteiru hazu.
kuzunoha ichizoku no shimei ha hito wo mamoru koto nanode, ima ga sono hito wo manabu jugyou kikan nano kamoshirenai.)
Only just arriving from training in the village of Kuzunoha, he is not immune to ordinary people and the city, the everyday bustling of the city is bound to be full of surprises.
Since the mission of the Kuzunoha clan is to protect the people, studying those people may also be a part of his training.