the swete voices of the gurls

Oct 30, 2006 23:04

Does anyone who reads Latin fancy checking my translation? I don't expect it to be anywhere near accurate, I have only had one class and suspect that I have got all my tenses (and everything else) wrong - I just want to know whether I'm approaching the correct meaning...

Cetus, et quomodo decipiuntur naves ab eo

Est belua in mari que dicitur grece aspidocelone, latine autem aspido testudo. Cetus ergo ast magnus, habens super corium suum tanquem sabulum quod est iuxta litus maris. Hec in medio pelagi elevat dorsum suum per undas maris sursum, ita ut navigantibus nautis non aliud credatur esse quam insula, precipue cum viderint totum illum locum sicut in omnibus litoribus maris sabulo esse repletum. Putantes autem insulam esse, applicantes navem suam iuxta eam et descendentes, figunt palos et alligant naves. Deinde ut coquant sibi cibos post laborem, faciunt ibi focos super arenam quasi super terram. Illa vero, ut senserit ardorem ignis, subito mergit se in aqua et navem secum trahit in profundum maris. Sic paniuntur omnes qui increduli sunt et quicumque ignorant diaboli astucias, spem suam pontents in eum; et operibus eius se obligantes, simul merguntur cum illo in gehennam ignis ardentis: ita est astucia ejus.

The whale, and in what manner [it snares] [ships] [thither? to itself?]

It is a monster in the [sea] which in Greek is called ‘aspidocelone’, [ on the other hand tortoise]. The whale, then, is [great, having on its hide sand which is like that of the sea shore]. In the middle of the ocean it elevates its back upwards through the waves of the sea [and navigating mariners believe it to be an island] [ they observe ] [ everywhere the sand of the sea shore ]. [It seems therefore to be an island], [they anchor their ship next to it and get down, and fix stakes and ships]. Thereupon [ food after their work, at that time they make a hearth on the sands as if it were on earth. [By that way ] [the whale senses the heat of the fire, it plunges itself into the water and the ships are dragged to the deeps of the sea. [Thus ] all who are disbelieving and whoever is ignorant of the craft of the devil, [they put their ? in him]; and he operates his bonds, similarly plunging with them into the Gehenna of hot fire: this is his craft.
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