May 2012: Over already?

May 31, 2012 21:32

This months just keep flying by? How is it that time seems to go both so fast and so slow all at the same time??

So let's start with the university update. I firmed Leeds. It's final. If I get into Dentistry I will be doing it at the University of Leeds. I completed that first essay. I'm not sure how it was. I think it was good enough to be classified as a pass - fingers-crossed. I had 5 frees at school which I used to complete the essay. Reading all the sources took forever! The second assignment is meant to be set tomorrow. This one will be dentistry related and I really hope it is a topic which I know something about!

Next up: EXAMS! Story of my life. Those of you who know me well know how badly I stress over exams. Well they've begun again. The last ever time (hopefully) I will sitting A Level exams. It started on the 16th with C1... yes I'm a loser who is still doing C1 in June of year 13... in my defense it is only the third time! I had M1 today... I'm not really sure how it went. I think I did a bit better than last time, when I got a C. I'm praying that it went better. I really need to relieve the pressure that is on C4 to get my A in Maths. I have to thank my twitter friends Laura & Molly/Mollie (the girl has confused me with how to spell her bloody name). They have been so supportive and I'm so glad to have found them. I really hope we stay friends for a very very long time.

So I finished school... forever. That's kind of like graduation for people in other countries. We only call it graduation when you've finished a university degree. It still doesn't feel real yet. The last 14 years of my life has consisted of going to school every week day! How can that just be over? I had a great last day. Got so many wonderful messages on my shirt. There is always that one person who writes something inappropriate though! A guy in my year wrote in the boob area of my shirt. Good luck to your boob. In his defence he was drunk and the message was pretty hilarious. The pub crawl was really awesome. I made it all the way to the last pub! I was pretty  tipsy at the fourth pub so I slowed down quite a bit. Have I told you all how much I love shots?

The Vampire Diaries finale was this month. It feels like that was donkeys years ago! So many people were upset with it. When I watched it, I was just hit by so many emotions that it took me a while to process them and actually form an opinion on the episode. I was, like many others, disappointed that Elena chose Stefan but in the back of my mind I knew she would. She hasn't experienced a relationship with Damon, she doesn't know the wonders it would being so how can she risk losing Stefan, a relationship she knows, to something that might not work out? There was definitely a lot of hope given to Delena fans. I can quite confidently say that DE is endgame. I'm quite excited to see how Elena as a vampire plays out? Will she be able to understand Damon on an even deeper level? Realise just how much he has sacrificed for her? And how hard it is to make those sacrifices, especially as a vampire when you emotions are heightened? I bloody well hope so.

Now to the exciting stuff! My fics. I was so bad at updating The Search For Something More. I knew I shouldn't have started another fic alongside Wrong Salvatore. That being said WS is 9 chapters away from the end. That will be an epic moment, the day I finish my first full-length story. It will also be the first time I've ever kept a New Year's Resolution. Some of you many know that I only plan to update WS once in June. June is going to be a hectic month which sadly means I have no time to write. I'm gobsmacked by the response to WS. I have 989 reviews. That's insane! I'm 11 reviews away from 1000. I'm speechless. I never in a million years thought I could write a story that so many people would love. It's amazing the things you can do when you set your mind to it.

Okay well that's basically all I can think about for the month of May. I've probably missed out on some big events but oh well. I've probably bored anyone that reads this to death anyway. Writing about my life is so personal. This blog is truly my online diary that I share with the world. My blog for June is likely to be written in July as opposed to June seeing as I'm flying back from my holiday to Cyprus on the 30th at about 2am and will be going to a friend's 18th birthday party that evening. I can't wait until exams are over. I am literally going to be going out as much as possible. I hope I get a job though. I really need the money seeing as I'll (hopefully) be going to university. Filling in the Student Finance forms were a bitch. Thank God I managed to do it before the deadline... which happens to be today.

Okay I think I've written enough. Bye bye May! Hello June!... and hello exams! :/ But most of all hello Cyprus! :D



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