Since I am a ship whore I created an intense and awesome meme to do since it's 4:30 and i'm still wearing my pj's. it is now 11:30 and I have gotten dressed :D
Under the fabulous cut you will find pictures, songs, fic recs and lj comms relating to my top 10 OTP's. I have arranged them in alphabetical order since it was too hard to rank them :(
That's why I am so mad about you. )
Comments 27
*turns a bit pink* Thank you for the rec, love. And that quote is like my FAVORITE QUOTE EVER (except that I'm sure I have many of those). But STILL. Cuddy=hot. Especially when sexing pwning House.
[totally different subject]
Okay. So I was working on your package of doom yesterday, and had a very bad thought. I do not know what kind of stuffs you like! Fandom yes, but... like, are you an animal person? jewelry: yay or nay? (gold/silver? large/subtle?) do you collect stuff/what kind of stuff? what is your favorite color? longhand: old school or for losers? what wins - modern or retro? children's toys: made of awesome or WTF?
You see my dilemma? I feel so bad for not knowing these things! *FAIL* But... I want your package to be made of win, so... bombard me with some likes and dislikes? Pretty please?
Srsy. Catherine if you sent me a package that had an old sock and a stick drawing of cuddy wearing a bin bag I would love it. But since you asked so nicely I will answer.
I do like animals (sometimes, to vegitarians, I pretend I only eat cute baby but mostly thats cause i'm mean) I especially love giraffes and gorillas. I have a pet bunny and he is adorable. As for jewellry definitely a YAY! and any style as long as it is beautiful or cool I will like it :D I'm easy. I don't really collect stuff except I love to keep (and buy) small random items (I have a golden buterfly made of feathers, a wooden giraffe, a pair of pink ears, a rosette telling me i'm a wicked witch and a pair of balet shoes attached to my mirror.)
I love all colours my favouites are green, purple, red and pink.
What is longhand?
Retro slightly beats out modern in the coolometre and toys ARE MADE OF AWESOME
Now you go so I can store it in my Catherine memory.
Ballet shoes! I used to/will soon to be doing ballet. Excitement!
(It's like a little bin, with sparkles and polkadots and a fuzzy boa around it (in purple, duh) and it says, Kelly is Teh Hot, yo.)
Longhand = writing with a pen or pencil (what?) on paper (huh?). As opposed to the glory and holyness of computers. ^^
Omgs. I'm so excited to go find things for your package!! :D!
ps: *is a vegetarian* ;)
I use to do ballet too! There was this girl who use to pull my skirt down every lesson so I quit. What a tropper XD Where are you doing it? ballet is such a beautiful dance, makes me tingley.
Oh yes I love long hand!
You didn't answer me? I need to know about you too!
(ps: sorry XD I wouldn't pretend I eat baby squirrels to you. I love you too much.)
I'm aslo stealing all your music. Yesh.
I hope you like the music.
And, as always, House/Cuddy for the win! Love that quote you picked for them. ;)
I love your icon.
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