Dec 22, 2007 16:10


1. Angel
2. Buffy
3. Connor
4. Cordelia
5. Dawn
6. Fred
7. Giles
8. Gunn
9. Spike
10. Wes
11. Willow
12. Xander

(sadly, I was forced to leave out Oz, Tara, Darla, Faith and Joyce.)


1) If Eight was involved with both Seven and Four how would Seven and Four react when they found out about one another?

Cordelia is shocked to find out that Gunn is cheating on her. She immediately dumps him then goes to Giles to talk to him about his mid-life crisis relationship with Gunn. Giles realizes that Cordelia is right that he's with Gunn for the sex and the vanity of having snagged a fine black man like Gunn. Gunn doesn't deserve that kind of treatment so Giles breaks up with him. Gunn, meanwhile, is really sorry he let Giles seduce him. There were the books, the wine, and this intelligent older man interested in him and what he had to say about his life. It was flattering, but he shouldn't have done that to Cordelia.

2) Two and Five are saying their vows when the doors are thrown open and Eleven marches in demanding that the ceremony stop because Eleven is in love with Five and cannot let him/her marry Two. Does Five go back to Eleven or stay with Two?

This was a spell put on Buffy to distract her. Amy did it. It was meant to hit Willow and Buffy taking them both out of the game, but it accidentally hit Dawn and Buffy. After Willow breaks the spell, it's a little... more than a little awkward between Buffy and Dawn, but after dodging each other for a bit and feeling weird for like a week or two they both realize that it was the magic and that they didn't do anything bad.

3) Seven has a phobia that involves One. What is the phobia?

Underneath that British reserve, I think Giles would prefer to see Angel dead. Like Xander, I don't think Giles likes or has any essential trust in Angel. He doesn't have any objections to using Angel as a champion, but he believes that Angel will always be Angelus and would prefer that he were far from Buffy and dead.

4) Nine and Twelve are having a movie marathon night. What movie does Nine pick and what movie does Twelve pick? Is twelve happy with Nine's pick and vice versa?

Spike doesn't watch films. He prefers DVD boxsets of TV shows. There' something about the serial form that Spike enjoys. Xander gets Apocolypse Now. Spike, having actually read Heart of Darkness, rolls his eyes at it and just wishes the goddamn movie would just. fucking. end. already!

5) Ten is in an unhappy relationship with Four and realizes that he/she should be with Two instead.

Wes and Cordy got together more out of momentum than desire to be with each other. They've always been good friends and they were working together one night when it just happened and it was bad so they just kept being together because it was comfortable, but it wasn't exactly the stuff great romances are made out of or anything. However, after their own brushes with the tradgedies of 'great romance,' it wasn't like they were really looking for that kind of thing anyway.

It's not that Wes wants to be with Buffy exactly, but when he sees her again, this fierce leader, she reminds him of that passion that both he and Cordelia use to have for the fight. It makes him realize that comfortable is nice, but that he should find someone that sparks him.

6) Three is pregnant with Nine's baby. How does Five react?

Dawn is happy for Spike, but Angel is ready to kill him for ruining his baby's life! Connor is still at Stanford! He can't have a baby. He' still a baby himself. What was Spike thinking?

7) Does Number Three handle commitments well?

Connor is much more well adjusted now than he was before Angel had W&H put that spell on him. Since reremembering his 'real' life, he's found it hard to connect to his peers in some ways because he tends to feel this drive to save people, use his powers for good despite Angel wanting a 'normal' life for him and that's just not something he finds most people think about, but it doesn't prevent him from dating and having friends or anything. He just needs to find someone he can trust to understand his unique position. It won't be easy, but it's not an impossible thing.

8) If Number Twelve suffered from a mental disorder what would that disorder be?


9) One sees Four with Eight and knows that Eight is involved with Six. Does One tell Six that Eight is cheating or does Six deserve to find out on his/her own?

I don't think Angel would have the heart to tell Fred that Gunn was cheating on her, but he would go to Gunn and have a serious talk with him about the way he's treating both Cordelia and Fred. He would totally encourage him to come clean with Fred. Then, he would talk to Cordelia about her behavior too. She knows that Gunn is with Fred and Fred is supposed to be her friend.

10) Eleven is set up, by Ten, on a blind date with Seven. Does the date go smoothly, and has Eleven decided that he/she wants to kill Ten before the date has ended?

Willow is a little confused by Wes's choice. Doesn't he know she's a lesbian? Plus, Willow adores Giles and she wouldn't mind going out with a awesome Giles-like older woman, but she and Giles have never thought of each other that way. They still go out, but scrap the date idea and just go used book shopping together for magical texts. Later, Willow takes Wes aside and tells him that she's not so much into the man parts now so if he wants to set her up again his pick better have some lady parts.

11) Two and Three have been dating for a year. Where does Two choose to pop the question?

Wow. my sekrit ship! Connor plans this elaborate, romantic dinner with everyone's help but an apocolypse happens so he and Buffy have to go help save the world. After they've emerged from a hard fight in a hell dimension, Connor just looks at Buffy and asks her right then to marry him.

12) Nine wants to end his/her relationship with Five. How does Nine choose to do so? Heartbroken Five has a one night stand with Three.

Spike just can't take the lying and sneaking about anymore. He loves being with Dawn, but the others would make it almost impossible if they came out with it and Dawn would rather avoid it. Spike can't surpress his love thay way and thinks he deserves better (he's been down that road before with a Summer's woman) than being some back door boyfriend. After she puts off telling Buffy again, he breaks up with her.

Dawn, unable to tell anyone what just happened, hides her sadness by organizing a night out. She gets really hyper and cheery telling everyone that they all need to get out for a night and cut loose. The gang are eager to hear that message and they all head out for a night on the town. A few tequila shots later, Dawn is fucking drunk. She starts hanging all over Connor, who she always thought had the most soulful eyes, and they end up spending the night together.

The next morning, Dawn is mortified. She's ready to run out of Connors room and do the walk of shame back to her room the moment she opens her eyes, but Connor seems happy to have her there. He confesses that he's been crushing on her for months and wonders if she'd like to go out on a real date.

13) Eleven and Twelve married. How does Twelve handle Eleven's death?

There is a gaping hole in his life that will never be filled by any person or thing for the rest of his life. Willow was more than Xander's wife. She was his BFF. Xander makes his jokes, he cries a little alone or sometimes with Buffy, but there isn't anything anyone can do because this is one that just ain't going to be fixed by anything. He and Willow were supposed to grow old together.

14) If there was one thing Seven could change about their life what would it be?

I think Giles sometimes regrets dedicating his life to being Buffy's Watcher and the fight against evil. There use to be a chance for something normal, something softer in his life in Jenny, in Joyce, in Olivia, but it's not there anymore. He's not really certain what he would've done differently, what he could've done differently, but he sometimes wishes that the chance for normal hadn't passed him.

15) If Five could say anything to Ten what would they say?

Could you look for any information about the nature of this mystical energy called the Key?

16) A drunken Eight comes home and finds One in bed with Eleven. How does Eight react?

Gunn is very confused. He could've swore that the red headed witch was a lesbian, but since Gunn doesn't think Angel is in love with Willow, thus endangering his soul, it really isn't any business of his so he walks out and leaves them to it.

17) Is a sweet love scene between Six and Nine possible?

It would be the cutest thing ever with Spike doing adorkable things in his nervousness because he never thought Fred would reciprocate his feelings towards her and he just has so much fondness for the little geek girl.

18) Seven and Four are bitter rivals. What made them rivals?

It was something involving shoes.

19) Is a happily ever after possible for One and Twelve?

No. Xander hates Angel. It's not a sexy hate either. It's a dislike born of the way he fucked with his BFF. Plus, I think Angel resents Xander's place in Buffy's life too. This isn't a sexy hate either.

20) Four undergoes a gender-swap. Who would he/she sleep with first? Six or Five?

Fred. Cordelia seems to prefer Brunettes.

21) If Seven had to be stuck on a island with Two or Three which would Seven choose? Why?

Buffy. It would be the perfect chance to get their relationship back on track, grow closer as a father-daughter typish team.

22) One and Two are romantically involved when One's original love, Eleven returns from the dead. How does One handle the person's return?

IDK. Angel dealt with this scenario with both Buffy and Darla and his reactions were stunningly opposite in relation to both women. He mourned Buffy then pretty much moved on and didn't bother her when she returned from the dead. With Darla, he was like a mad man for a while there. He couldn't leave her alone and it almost led to him having a breakdown. Angel's reaction would probably depend on the type of relationship he had with Willow and how it ended.

23) Nine is forced to choose who will live between Three and Six. Which one does Nine choose to live?

Fred. He barely knows Connor.

24) Seven falls in love with Eight. When Seven gets the opportunity to be with Eight he/she is happy... until he/she finds out that Eight is only using him/her to get close to Two.

This is what Giles gets for getting back into that mess with Gunn. Cordelia told him so.


btvs, ats, meme

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