SPN 3.1

Oct 04, 2007 11:36

1. I'm glad that they're letting JA take a break from the single perfect tear(TM), but the off-hand way that Dean broke down his feelings on his deal just broke me. There's something so gut-wrenching about someone saying their tired, ready to be done and not even cry about it. He was smiling. Obviously, I will cry for Dean. *tear*

1a. I like the implications that Dean is very sexually active, but I could do with more actual footage... um, for character development purposes. Of course.

1b. Dean is so inappropriate with his humor. What's in the box? *facepalm*

2. Ruby. I like her badassness, but I disapprove of any relations between her and the boys because the moment I saw her it struck me that she looks EXACTLY like Mary. She could be her daughter. This is, I know, ironic coming from the sister!wincest reader, but my fic tastes and the things I like on TV are two different things not to mention that I like always a girl sister and that's a different set up than this girl's Oedipal implications. In any case, I'm interested to know more about her esp considering her utter ruthlessness. Bobby and Dean saved the victims of possession, but she didn't seem to have any concern for the victim.

2a. Tamara didn't either which is, *sigh* do the gender issues have to begin so soon? I noticed that Tamara fell apart in the bar fight too. *sigh*

3. I liked Bobby. I liked him in a suit. I liked him acting scared in order to trick the demon. I like that we're getting more of other characters.

3a. Dean with Lust. Dean likes those demon ladies.

4. I was spoiled for the premise of this epi, but I liked the Seven Deadly Sins. However, they were a bit easy to defeat in my opinion. I would've liked a little more psychological mind-fucking from them. They can read people and specialize in particular areas and I would've liked to have seen them reveal a little more about the hunters. Envy's attack on Dean and Tamara was meh. We know that Dean is lustful and a glutton. Hell! He knows it and isn't bothered by his sinfulness. And, of course hunters are wrathful. They could've dug deeper there.

They really shouldn't MOTW large concepts like the Seven Deadly Sins although, conversely, it might've been much to portray them as larger enemies since it could get cheesy. Idk. I think they're just going to have to work harder to portray the demons as actual threats and not just keep talking it up because honestly Meg was harder to deal with than these jokers.

4a. I liked all the clever hints to Envy's identity. The man looking at his neighbor's sleek car before he was possessed. The color green being featured in the shoe scene. It was cute.

4b. Speaking of the mise-en-scene, what was with Dallas playing on the TV when they discovered the slothful family?

5. When I saw Sam being so forgiving of Dean's behavior (APOLOGIZING, LOL!), I was like, this won't last the epi. LOL. I love Sam, but he can't not bitch at Dean.


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