(no subject)

Mar 14, 2005 14:36

[I N F O R M A T I O N]
Name: Missy
Single or taken: Single
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 5th
Sign: Gemini
Siblings: 2 Brohams, 2 Sismis
Hair colour: Dark blond (natural) but hopefully Dark again soon
Eye colour: Green
Height: I'm a fucking giant

[R E L A T I O N S H I P S]
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight
Who are your best friends?: My fish Tuesday
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No. That is why I said I am single
What is your longest relationship?: year and a half
What was your shortest relationship?: 9 days

[F A S H I O N | S T U F F]
Any tattoos or piercings: No
What is your sexiest outfit?: Whatever I am wearing
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Whatever I am wearing               What do you usually wear?: What I am wearing

[S P E C I F I C S]
Do you do drugs?: No
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Depends what I want to smell like
What are you most scared of?:Clowns
Where do you want to get married?: Not here
How many buddies are online right now?: I do not know
What would you change about yourself?:My hands. I hate having baby hands.

[F A V O R I T E S]
Colors: Bright! Pastel. Dark. All!
Foods: Cupcakes
Girls names: Gracie
Boys Name: Skylar
Subjects in school: Sociology
Animals: Horses and Fish

[H A V E | Y O U | E V E R]
Given anyone a bath?: No...
Smoked?: Yeah
Bungee jumped?: This morning
Made yourself throw up?: How do you think I got so fat?
Skinny dipped?: No. I've double dipped.
Ever been in love?: No
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Maybe
Cried when someone died?: Who doesn't
Lied: Nothing big
Fallen for your best friend?: Currently
Been rejected?: yes
Rejected someone?: Probably.. I was a cool kid once.                       Used someone?: No
Done something you regret?: Yes

[C U R R E N T]
Clothes: Jeans, public enemy tee, and my lovely brown socks.
Music: Cursive
Annoyance:The cold
Smell: Fear...?
Desktop picture: Thrift store family
CD in player: Missy's Mother Fucking Dance Jams '05
DVD in player: Michael Jackson Music video thing

[L A S T | P E R S O N]
You touched: Your mom
Hugged: Been too long
You IMed: Brother
You yelled at: Dad

[A R E | Y O U]
Understanding: yeah
Open-minded: yeah
Arrogant: Don't think so
Insecure: Yes
Random: Always
Hungry: Always!!!
Smart: When i want to be
Moody: Sometimes but arent we all?
Hard working:Yeah
Organized: Depends
Healthy: Probably not
Shy: Very. But I am getting better.
Attractive: Am I?
Bored easily: Depends
Obsessed: No
Angry: Again depends
Sad: AGAIN depends
Happy: Try to be
Hyper: Most of the time
Trusting: Yesh

[W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ]
Kill?: Whitey?
Slap: Chance
Get really wasted with?: Conor and brother

[R A N D O M]
In the morning I : wake up
All you need is: Hugs
I dream about: Hugs

[W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R]
Coke or Pepsi: Dr.Pepper
Flowers or candy: Candy
Tall or short: Tall, because I am a fucking giant

[W H O]
Makes you laugh the most: David
Makes you smile: David
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: David

[D O | Y O U | E V E R]
Save conversations: If they are good
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nope
Wish you were younger: Nope
Cried because someone said something to you?: Yes

[Y O U R | T H O U G H T S]
I know: Nothing.. Nothing
I want: Cupcakes
I have: Socks
I wish: I was not here
I hate: Shorts
I fear: Clowns
I hear: Socks...
I search: For socks....?
I wonder: Where are my socks?
I love: Lamp.

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