This one's optimistic

Aug 19, 2005 11:20

So. That's that then. The outcome was ABB, I missed my second A by two points. Bugger.
But anyway, after crying (and simultaneously laughing at the total fucked-up-ness of the near miss) yesterday, I feel better and, to continue the radiohead lyrics references, I feel strong. Sixth form is over, I'll never go back to school and there are lots of people that I'm very unlikely to see ever again. This is most definitley good. Very good, really.
So far I'm actually doing well at thinking positively. It's quite a new thing for me, but it's not so bad. I should try it more often. My english, for one thing is something I am immensely proud of. The boundary for an A was 480/600 and I got 516/600. SO at least I know I'm doing the right subject. Also, there are apparently about 100,000 people having to go through clearing to even get a place because they didn't get in to their chosen universities. It's so relieving not to have to do that. Obviously, the failure to meet my offer by two sodding marks feels unjust in the extreme. But I can't do anything about it. (Ooh, more optimism! Steady on...)
I can't really remember what life was like before sixth form, and I can't really imagine the future. It's been a real bitch but there have been some good times. No doubt they'll be more on that another day.
What I need to do now is try to get my head around this alittlemore and not find out that The Boy has done better than me and gone to his first choice. Because then I would have to shoot him.  Sorry, but I would. Mmmresidualbitternessmmm.....

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