
Aug 18, 2004 07:43

^I miss this girl terribly. We talk to eachother all the time but i miss not seing her everyday <3 we always have so much fun we we're together. "ryan the lion.. haha, fallin off rocks, his numbs are nut??!" Sober + Nah High

Sofie, i miss you also! good luck at dc <3 and i wish i could see you everyday like old times. (science olympiad, we need to do that again!) I love you babe

                                          Ketchup, O wow i miss you  like cuuurazy! we've been so good of friends in unbelievable. you are always there for me and thats why i <3 you so much. monie i miss you and we need to hangout! i <3 you! Ketcup + Mustard!

This is one of my favorite pics! I love you girls.

I love and miss these our crazzy times at the nail place. <3

*That was just somethin i was thinking about <3*

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