I've really had busy but fun times lately.
The last time I wrote that I went to the doctor for my throat. Well, yesterday I suddenly realised my throat doesn't hurt at all any more! I was drinking tea like I used to and nothing happened. Yay! Meanwhile I've learned to drink coffee without sugar, so maybe that was all that had to happen: me liking coffee without sugar. And now that that's done, I can drink tea again. LOL I'm really glad it's all over and I drink whatever I want now.
On Wednesday we (Albert and I that is) went out for dinner with a friend of ours. We had a really great time and the food was very nice. Until my body decided something was wrong and I had to run to the toilet several times. I don't think it was just the food because I felt blah for the next two days.
Nevertheless we decided to go to Bal du Masque on Friday. Okay, we had decided not to go this time (because we still owe some people), but a friend of ours lured us with extra tickets and a "oh no, I'll miss you" putting on puppy eyes (yep, I could even see that through the phone LOL). I'm glad we went because we had such a fun time with everyone! It was a special edition and although the decor was a bit disappointing and the music was the same kind (and not our kind of music) most of the evening, I'm glad we didn't miss it. Special editions are always fun (just because it's a one time only opportunity) and we go to have a great time with the fun people we know over there.
On Saturday however, I was totally dead. :-D I slept really really late, considering I'm usually awake around 8 or 9 am and now Albert had to drag me out of bed at 1 pm. :-P So at 2 pm we went to have breakfast and after that we visited my parents-in-law because my father-in-law had his birthday on the Bal du Masque Friday and we didn't go.
On Sunday we went to a Victorian Walk in the city Utrecht, where Summer Darkness was also held. It was the first time we participated and it was fun! Sadly because of the weather forecast most people had decided not to come. And because of the forecast I didn't wear my silk victorian dress and another girl decided not to wear her antique one. Luckily the weather wasn't as bad as the forecast said it would be: we didn't have any rain. There was a lot of wind however. Here's a photo:
Of course we took our time to walk through Utrecht (which is a beautiful city) and afterwards we all decided to have something to eat. We promised a friend of ours to meet her at the Summer Darkness market, so after dinner we walked back to the square. And so we got in the car much later then we intended. :-D But never mind, because it was fun! When we got home we did however watch a movie first (because it was too early to go to bed), but of course we went to bed late and Monday morning came soon. :-) Got up, went to work, had dinner, went to the physiotherapist (because of my neck that's always stuck), went to my parents-in-law to tell about Sunday and finish the last of the cake :-D, went to bed, got up on Tuesday, went to work and after work I met a former colleague to have dinner and catch up. Sooo now it's Wednesday again and I'm on coffee....lots of it. LOL Oh well, luckily it's not so busy at work (as you can tell by the length of this post ROFL) and weekend is on it's way. It will be a very easy weekend. It's Albert's birthday on Saturday and we're celebrating it in the spa! So then I can relax and recover from these busy times. We really need to relax since Albert had several severe headache attacks this week. He still hasn't recovered from the Castlefest weekend and that is weird, considering he usually just needs one day to recover from a busy event. Needless to say we are really looking forward to this weekend!