Title: Mailbox
Author: Morange
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything I tell you!
Authors notes: brought on by the ‘t
hings Xander is never allowed to do’ list. specifically #215
Xander slowly turned the door handle making sure it didn’t squeak. Poking his head out and checking his surroundings he walked into the entrance room.
He had to get to the mailbox outside. If he got to the box without any of the slayers seeing him then he’d be in time for the deadline. Everyone was either out on patrol or up trying to get some shuteye. It was now or never.
The others would never have let him enter if they knew. Sure no one believed that Reilly and Sam were actually part of a real-life Stargate team, just because they deny it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist .But entering a competition to write your own episode? That was pushing his luck a bit. He still wasn’t allowed to laugh about the Egypt apocalypse.
He hoped he’d win. He was bound to. Especially since he had *inside* knowledge. He even got Sam to spell-check it. In between fits of laughter. He was going to use Martin, who’d been on before. A fake tv series is just what the doctor ordered. It was going to give the phrase ‘plausible deniability’ a whole new meaning. As soon as he won.