I can feel it coming in the air tonight

Apr 21, 2005 16:59

I love the atmosphere before a thunderstorm. It is just sooo invigorating. :-D ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

black_red_sky April 22 2005, 07:34:44 UTC
I havent seen you in forever! Storms ARE great. I wished it would storm more often, and for longer peroids of time. The weather here is so weird, it will storm for a couple hours then the sun will come back out and unless you were awake and concious, you would have no idea that it just stormed. Its weird.


miss_mystery April 26 2005, 00:33:56 UTC
The occassional storm is ok, as long as it doesn't flood. It is much better when it isn't cold outside because I enjoy standing outside until the rain begins. Sleep is good too though.


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