For my fellows from chat:
In honor of Chat and the funs times we had, I decided to make a fun assignment out of one of our famous quotes. This assignment took only a few seconds, but I found it to be extremely fun.
As I've mentioned in earlier entries, I'm learning to diagram sentences in my grammar class. So guess what I did? THAT'S RIGHT. I DID SOME DIAGRAMMING FOR YOU. WITH LOVE.
I would do more, but I sincerely doubt the amount of interest you would have in something like this (Jason excluded). Think of this as a small gift of nerdiness from me to you.
In other news, I have something a bit more interesting to let you in on:
I've started on the Revenant fic once more. Chapter 3 will be up eventually.
For everyone and anyone:
In celebration of my learnings (and to get extra credit in my class), I have decided to post up random journal entries on what I've currently been learning in my grammar class--be it something I've known for years or something I've just learned. Kind of like what Grammar Girl does, only shorter and a bit more relevant to my current lessons in class. Tune in if you're interested. The entries will have their own tags and everything.
I'm still working on the prompts everyone gave me on
this entry. Some have been completed, but there are still plenty more. I only have time to write on the weekends. Don't fret if you haven't received your finished prompt yet. It's coming!
In other news, I have a question. Should I continue using Spongebob quotes as my journal entry titles, or something else? I've been using Spongebob quotes for over a year now, and I'm wondering if it's getting old.
I'm just going to come out and say it:
One of my biggest pet peeves on LJ (or anywhere on the net, really), is when someone reads something I have written and then does not comment on it. Feedback is a big deal to me, and when I know someone has read something but hasn't commented on it, I think he or she hates it or doesn't care.
Now, I know this probably isn't the case. Some people probably don't have anything relevant to say and don't want to come off as idiots for it, or they don't have time. I can understand that. However, I CRAVE ME SOME CRITICAL FEEDBACK. When someone takes the time to comment, even just to say, "THIS WAS GREAT" or "HELLO, I HAVE READ THIS AND HAVE NOTHING TO SAY," it tells me he/she felt I was worth his/her time. Sure, I'd prefer critical feedback over mindless praise, but I know some people don't have the time for that (and sometimes can't find anything critically constructive to say).
This pet peeve of mine makes me a big hypocrite. I often read something and then don't comment because I have nothing to say. THIS IS BEING RECTIFIED. As of today, if I've read something, I'm going to comment on it; any thoughts, even little ones, that I had. You may have noticed an influx of comments from me today. That's why.
My main concern is that I feel ignored or not worth a person's time when I know he or she has read an entry and then doesn't comment. It's not that I'm a comment-hog. I only post things that I think would be interesting to those reading. No comment = lack of interest. Or in the case of fic: No comment = didn't like. If that's the case, then continue not commenting, but if you are interested in something or liked it, let me know by telling me how you felt or what came to mind.
Not too hard, I hope. ^___^;
And I hope this didn't make me come off as some huge jerk or Negative Nancy or Whiney Willy. I was just ranting and expressing how I'm changing my ways of moving about on LJ and why. COMMENTS FOR EVERYONE. WOO.