(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 20:10

So I was hoping to get an extra job over the Christmas holidays to help pay for Christmas, and school next semester. one that would either last just the vacation, or one that would go into the next year. I think I could handel it better this semester, if it didn't stress me out as much as Gap did... and since I have tuesday/thursday without classes.
but saddly everywhere I applied I heard no reply, and since it's now December 21, I doubt I will. funny that. and I only got a few shifts at security, so that means I didn't make much money over the break, and I'm spending more than I probably should. I'm starting to get a little stressed out about the money for next year, on top of me questioning myself as to why I'm even doing the English degree and spending this money in the first place. but that's for another rant.
this one is for my boss. I've always gotten along with him very well, and we can talk about a lot of things. but in some ways he can really irritate me, and I just want to tell him to fuck off! I know it's a prerequesit or whatever for being a boss or whatever, but why? why do bosses have to be idiots? isn't the point of someone moving up and becoming a supervisor, or whatever, mean that they have proved themselves to be capable, and know what the hell to do?? because really, it's not always proved in his case. I was scheduled for a shift at the dispatch desk for tomorrow, like 3 weeks ago. and yesterday we got the "offical" word that there is a party at the president's house tomorrow, that I have to work. fine. I don't mind the party, but the two shifts conflict. now part of this does rest in the idiocy of the school and it's practices, because if the president is having a party at his house for whatever it is, it's been known about for more than a day or two. so I should have known about it before yesterday. and the word came as a phone call to my boss to let him know. I work for the GD security for the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you know you have a function, and thus need security. DON"T tell me the day before and expect however many people you need to be at your beck and call! GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so, as I wasn't working when this call came in, the girl that was got the message from our boss to get someone to fill the rest of my dispatch shift so that I could be at the party. so he would have me come in for 3 of 8 hours at a dispatch shift (notice, not even half of it. from 3-6) then to be at the party, having walked over (about a 7 minute walk), from 6-9. please tell me how I can work one place than be on time for the president at the exact same time?!?! because I still haven't really figured that one out. but whatever. so now, I just really didn't want to deal with it.... and so instead of loosing 2 hours of work, even when I'm working two shifts, I'm going to lose 5 hours since I just gave the whole shift to the girl who took the other 5 hours... what would have made sense, and worked so much better, would have just been to switch the distpatch shift entirely! wow! what a crazy concpet. then I would have had an additional 3 hours, instead of 5 less than scheduald. meaning I really lost a potentail 8 hours, that's about $50 after taxes. it would have been nice. nothing fantastic. but now, none of it. thanks Bill. you're great!
I know it's a small thing, but he just shouldn't deal with some things, and tell people what to do, when they deal with it daily, and he NEVER does. he doesn't do anything with our schedual, so why tell someone to fill the shift, when her first thought was to switch it. plus he keeps calling me to make sure I know the most basic things about shifts. I've ben doing it for 2 years! I think I have a clue by now. GR
can I just kill my self yet? please?
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