Name: Ashley
Nicknames: cOokie..punkin..loser..TWIN!.haha Birthday: oCt. 25
Name three bad qualities you have:
1) outgoing
2) dOrky
3) fun-loving
Name three scents you love:
1) men's cOologne
2) very sexy perfume
3) clean laundry..hehe
Name four things you love:
1) my friends <3
2) family x3
3) watching romantic movies 4) singing along with the radio as loud as possible..hehe
Name four television shows you like:
1) Law & Order : SVU
2) The Real World
3) Degrassi: Next Generation..hehe
4) The OC
Name four drinks you like to drink:
1) diet coke
2) swet tea 3) sprite 4) barney's hot chocolate...yum!
Have you ever...
1. Fallen for one of your Friends: yea..way back when...HAHA
2. Been in love: nope..i can't say that i have..
3. Used someone: nope
4. Ever been used by someone: probably
5. Done something you regret: nope..everything happens for a reason..=D..wouldn't take anything back
The last person :
1. you touched: ... in what way?..haha
2. You talked to: my little brother
3. You hugged: my momma 4. You instant messaged: jessicer!
5. You yelled at: my brother 6. Who broke your heart: eh?..HAHA
1.Color your hair: yup 2. Have tattoos: nope
3. Have Piercing(s): ears.. 4. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend: nuh uh...
5. Like to groove to the music: ohh yea!..haha
....where's 6?
7. Think you are cultured: to an extent..i suppose...
8. Like to drive fast: yes..hehe!
9. Believe in God or Devil: GOD!!
10. Who do you talk to on the phone with mostly: I don't like the phone...
......That's a lot of missing questions, bud.
14. Chicken or fish: chicken!!
15. Favorite Season: summer!..BEACH BABY! 16. Think ice cream is the best thing in the world: it's up there on the charts..haha
17. What would your dream date be: aHh..a romantic picnic and then a walk on the beach!=D
18. Single flower or a dozen: in general are good for me..haha
19. Silver, Gold or Platinum: silver..
20. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home: @ home..much more romantic & personal..=D 21. Roses-red or white: I'm a sucker for any rose.
22. Silly or serious romantic: gotta have a bit of both!!
23. Marvin Gaye or Barry White: aHh..i can't choose..both AMAZING!! 24. Do you consider yourself a romantic: yes!!..a hopeless romantic
25. Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunset b/c i'm not a morning
26. What is in your CD player right now: tim mcgraw..OWOW!
27. Who is your favorite Spice Girl: gInGer! 28. Favorite Disney Character(s): the little mermaid..ariel!
29. Favorite fast food: mcDonald's 31. Favorite Sports Teams: GO GATORS!! 32. Favorite song: beautiful soul..
33. What room is your computer in: my kitchen..blAh!
36. What will you want to be when you grow up: Happy.
37. Who do you consider your best friend: like a sister!!=D
38. Who will respond the quickest: hUh?
well i hope ya enjoyed it!=D..i sure do LOVE COMMENTS!!..hehe...**hint hint**..later on darlings! you all!
x3 ashley