Title: Perfection
Author: miss_v_mars
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Bella
Any warnings: nope.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, sadly.
Short summary: This is my first Twilight fic, it's not long, and it's pretty simple. Written in Bella's POV. I thought I'd just put it out there. Hope you enjoy. Comments are appreciated. x
There had never been a love as strong as the one I felt, of that I was sure. Not even the waves of passion that fell between Romeo and Juliet or the storyline of Titanic. This was new. It was way off the rictor scale, and if I could explain it I would. How could two people so different, fit so well? It went against all the logics any professor had ever proclaimed. Yet Edward and I were living proof that such love, once thought too heart wrenching to ever be felt, lived and breathed it. It’s what kept our hearts beating, our veins pumping, in a metaphorical sense of course. Our baby girl just completed the picture perfect scene, and I often wondered when I’d wake up from the beautiful dream I thought was my life. No one could ever be as lucky as I was in this exact moment. I could only think the was reason, it was harsh, yet justified, why I such a simple girl in my past life, should be allowed so much happiness, obviously it was going to be taken away from me at any minute. When I voiced my fears to Edward and he told me to stop being such a pessimist. I snorted, like he was the eternal optimist, I think not. But it didn’t settle my fears and as much as I felt like I finally belonged, I was always on guard, waiting for that moment, that splinter of a second when someone came to try and take it all away from me. Edward may have been a better fighter, but I, I was ready for whatever fate threw at us