Defaults: Adult/Elder Female (& 2 Hiders!)

Jan 10, 2012 15:40

Yup, more defaults. Mostly elder female, but some adult female too. I've tried to give variety, but I think some are a bit too formal...will keep playing around though. Hope you enjoy!

Note! The medieval outfit link was borked - grab it again :) And if you have any requests, feel free to ask :)

afbodydresslongloose (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

afbodydressmedieval (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

afbodyexercise (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

...and also -

afbodybreakdancer - DOWNLOAD

afbodyfrilljacketpolo (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

afbodylooseneckdress (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

afbodymracer (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodybowblouse (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodydressbridesmaid (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodydresslongformal (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodydresssleevelesssack (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodydressspring (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodyrollneck (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodysilkjacket (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodytech (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

efbodytiesweater (original outfits replaced with these) - DOWNLOAD

Two simple hiders, because I couldn't be bothered replacing these -
'Journalist' Outfit (suit with the camera around the neck)
Female & Male Wetsuits (Adult & Elder)

download: default replacements, !download, download: hider

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