Between watching Robert's attempts at throwing a football and seeing Antigone...
Yes, today was definitely a good day.
I have great friends. ♥
This is me talking to Robert just now:
((enter in previous part of the conversation))
squirrels226: *holy shit*
trubluview: yay =)
squirrels226: when you left hasson asked me repeatedly why i havent asked you out yet
trubluview: what are we holy shitting?
squirrels226: that
trubluview: oh my
trubluview: lol what did you say?
squirrels226: cuaese we just friends
squirrels226: then i almost asked him why he didnt ask the floppy drive out
squirrels226: you should see them two go at it
trubluview: LMAO!
Mr Hasson is our Web Design teacher. We both have him, but for different periods. He knows we hang out a lot (don't get any ideas). It's really irritating. Mr. Keith (Robert's manager at work) refers to me as "The Other Half" so on Tuesday we walked in, told him we were married (which we are-- no not really it's a big joke) and that Maggie is our daughter. I think he would've believed us, too, if Maggie were four feet tall instead. Why does everyone ask if we're going out? JESUS! Mrs Lara, too! I love Mrs Lara, but DAMN! Don't get me wrong, Robert's great and all... but come on. This is starting to get on my NERVES!