Not yet. I'm still trying to figure out what genre/pairing works for me in this fandom. Neal is the most appealing character to me, but I'm not quite sure who I want to ship him with. Or if I want to ship him at all. I've read a few from whitecollar_bb, some gen fic, and a few OT3. There's also a nice amount of fic at AO3. And I got bunnied kinda hard the other day, which rarely happens and I rarely follow through when it does so don't hold your breath, but the idea is still strong several days later, so we'll see.
Yeah. I'm the same way, I haven't decided what I'm looking for exactly in this fandom. As for writing, it's funny because the show just lends itself to all sorts of shippy good times and naughty-naughty fun, yet most of the stuff I've written has been gen. In fact the only time I'm slightly dirty it's Neal/suit... and not the Mr. Suit... just suit. o___O
Do you like crossovers? If so, have you read the White Collar/Sherlock one? I love it!
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Do you like crossovers? If so, have you read the White Collar/Sherlock one? I love it!
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