So I had a generally long, bizarre dream last night, involving Captain Jack and Agent Scully from The X-Files.
In this dream, I was Scully. I was working in this FBI building, and the FBI had been taken over by UNIT for some reason. I was conducting a meeting when some poor guy at the table collapsed from a heart attack. I paged security, but instead of requesting an ambulance, I sweet-talked the security guard (who was my friend) into giving me the code to get into this restricted wing.
I snuck into the wing and found this apartment. Jack was inside. Apparently, he'd been living there in secret ever since the end of COE, and I was helping hide him (I have no idea why he was hiding there, why the FBI had a fully-furnished, secret apartment in the building, or why I was hiding Jack there when I didn't even have access to that part of the building). I told Jack I needed his help (I think his kiss of life was canon in this dream), and he said he just needed to get his coat.
While I waited, I looked out the window and saw three men going into the woods. I had a vision that one of the men was going to kill the other two. I told Jack that we have to go outside and do something. I ran ahead of Jack into the woods, but there was no sign of anyone. We found what looked like fresh graves, but they were really tarps covered in dirt, with the two murder victims underneath. Only they weren't dead -- just unconscious. We knew the would-be murderer was probably nearby, but we couldn't see him.
Then, out of nowhere, this car pulled up. In the middle of the woods. There wasn't even a road or path or anything. I carefully approached the car and looked at the driver. The driver looked at me and said, "I'm going to rob you." I excused myself, went back to Jack, and told him this.
The driver got out of the car, and Jack started shooting him in the face with one of my guns (I had two, because I was kickass like that). Only it didn't work. The guy was some sort of alien. Jack told me that he needed his Webley, because my guns wouldn't work against this guy. So I gave Jack his gun, and Jack killed the would-be robber.
The dream changed from that point. Scully!me and Jack never did rescue the two unconscious dudes or the guy with the heart attack.
I've been having bizarre dreams lately. It's kind of nice.