Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!
i have made a list of things i am thankful for. the list is veerrryyyy long so i will include only a few items.
these are the most important from my list:
family-even though sometimes they annoy me to death, i know that i would be nowhere without my family. they are always there for me and they love me no matter how completely insane i am.
friends-another really really important one. thanks so much to all my friends who have listened to me or helped me or just made me laugh. just by being there you've made my life so much more fun. i <3 you all.
(special thanks my loveliesssss ron+sage who both put up with me every single day & always listen to me & make me :D)
the basics-food, shelter, clothing, etc. it may seem silly to be thankful for basic needs, but some people lack these things which really puts everything into perspective.
it goes on and on and just gets corny from there (as if that wasn't corny enough?). but really i do think it's important to be THANKFUL on Thanksgiving along with eating like a pig (although that's a very important part [hence the name fats-getting]). :oP
i can almost guarentee that some amusing pictures will come from today which i will probably post later.