(no subject)

Dec 03, 2006 00:17

Well as many of you know 3 weeks ago my man disappeared off to the continent on a 6 week Cradle tour. So last weekend myself and my 'very' dear friend Chris Columbine managed to co-incide a shoot out there, with the gig, and we had an amazing time which I will try to detail below!

Fri 24th:

Dropped car off at my dear friend SkarletJaydes and proceeded to get tube across London to meet Chris at Camden. Noticed that real gentlemen indeed no longer exist in London as I struggled through with giant suitcase filled with shoes. Met Chris in Purple Turtle where a brief meeting was held with her friend Mick. managed to offload suitcase to fabulous Micky and begin night out by meeting Mildred in Japanese restaraunt, food was fabulous even if I daren't try fish! The went ti Garlic and shots where we met an unwell Christelle. After brief detour managed to get to Fright club for a short spell before being taken to airport at 3am.

Sat 25th:

Managed to get plane no probs and get to hotel, they looked at us in clubbing clothes in shock, yet nothing was said. With just 3 hrs sleep, Matteo and his assistants turn up, reception (now under the assumption that we were hookers) would not let them upstairs to view clothing. Shot in various strange places across Milan whist getting steadily drunk on cava. Got horrible news that Cradle tour bus had broken down, and Charles wouldn't be getting to me until the next day. Sulked.
Finished shoot, and went back to the hotel where we proceeded to get more drunk before heading into town. After discovering we weren't in the 'nicest' area of town we started walking towards the centre were we came across the 'magic tram', its mystical abilities due to the fact it appeared to be totally free! After collecting a huge amount of comments from sleazy middle aged italian men, we created the game 'cunt off' which simply involved us using this retort to the afore-mentioned comments.
Finally staggered into town were we went for our first meal in Milan at at stupidly over-priced abr in the 'posh bit'. Got sick of the area so proceeded onto the metal club of Milan, which's name I cannot remember. met some new Italain friends, and Chris fell over a bit. Got drunk on lovely wine, and got a lift with new friends to another club where we were fed free cocktails for the rest of the night. Realised everybody had left and we only had 17euros left to get a taxi home, so accosted many drivers who refused us with our paltry sum before we came across a french taxi driver who would take us if I spoke french the whole way home!!!! Chris then happily passed out in the back and had to be carried in to the hotel for hooker-like situation number 3! Got to the room and figured that the blinds needed to be opened right then, so called the management who after much persuasion came up and opened up our balcony. I happily stumbed outside for the manager to shout "Come inside, crazy, drunk woman!". Sent him away and went to bed!

Sun 26th:

Awoke at stupidly late hour and went to get food discovering almost all shops closed. walked forever and found alcohol and food shop- heaven! Went to hotel to gorge selves. Received call from Charles to say he had finally arrived, so rushed to venue all glammed up! Was very happy to see my baby, and he seemed to be too! After gig smuggled Charles into hotel room, much to managements disgust! They actually shouted "Satan" at Charles up the stairs! Entertained him for a while, including fulfilling balcony fantasy as well as show for Charles! Had to take him back to bus afterwards and met the guys from the Deathstars who were very nice. After an hour theirr new bus arrived and I had to say goodbye to my baby for another 3 weeks :-(

Other than Chris falling over in front of a tram on the way home, the rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful, mostly spent recovering.

So now I have unter 2 weeks before we head out to Amsterdam/Antwerp for further debauchery!

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