wtf you tramp: after the two bitches were snowballing my jizz, i ate a ham sandwich
wtf you tramp: man cums into cunt, cunt drops the load into other cunt, cunt drops load into mouth of person1, person1 spits load into a cunt,. choose which.
wtf you tramp: thats extreme snowballing
xx faggot faggot: whoa!
wtf you tramp: eww i used to know someone whos last name was fletcher
xx faggot faggot: HAHAHAHAHA
wtf you tramp: everytime i get cold chills
wtf you tramp: i think that a ghost is trying to fuck me or something
xx faggot faggot: hahahahahha@!
wtf you tramp: im so serious
wtf you tramp: and i just got like 4 in row
wtf you tramp: and then i got a woody
wtf you tramp: see and now its gone and im not cold anymore
wtf you tramp: i so just got raped by a ghost
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
xx faggot faggot: you retard!
wtf you tramp: remember when i got buzzed
wtf you tramp: and i couldnt sit up in the seat
xx faggot faggot: HAHAH AYEAH
xx faggot faggot: that was so hilarious
xx faggot faggot: it was our first buzz.
wtf you tramp: and you were like hold me up
wtf you tramp: and i was like sarah i cant even hold myself up
wtf you tramp: and then that rasberry tea crap tasted really good
xx faggot faggot: hahahahaha
xx faggot faggot: omgg and tye dye man.
xx faggot faggot: that shit was hilarious.
xx faggot faggot: i love that guy.
xx faggot faggot: he's my hero.
wtf you tramp: eww
wtf you tramp: ill shoot him
xx faggot faggot: HAHAHAHAHHA
xx faggot faggot: didnt he say he liked your atreyu shirt?
wtf you tramp: yes
xx faggot faggot: hahahahahahhahahaha
wtf you tramp: remember the barrel of monkeys guy
xx faggot faggot: and we stalked his retarded ass.
xx faggot faggot: oh yeah
wtf you tramp: mmm
wtf you tramp: :]
wtf you tramp: i swear he said he liked my ass
xx faggot faggot: we shouldve chilled with him
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
wtf you tramp: cause he was like
wtf you tramp: nice ass
wtf you tramp: and you looked back
wtf you tramp: and he was like no not you your boyfriend
xx faggot faggot: HAHAHAHA
wtf you tramp: i swear he said that
xx faggot faggot: i dont have an ass, i was just wonderin who he was talkin about
xx faggot faggot: whoa dude
xx faggot faggot: you shouldve HIT THAT SHIT
wtf you tramp: i wasnt out then remember
xx faggot faggot: oh yeah.
xx faggot faggot: damn, should've.
xx faggot faggot: find him on myspace. lol
wtf you tramp: hahah yeah right
wtf you tramp: and he was like you guys got any weed
wtf you tramp: and we were like no
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
wtf you tramp: got any alcohol
wtf you tramp: no
xx faggot faggot: lol
wtf you tramp: got any eeeextasy
xx faggot faggot: hahahahhahaa
xx faggot faggot: crazy biiit
xx faggot faggot: i didnt even know what extasy was until i saw THE GIRL NEXT DOOR
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
xx faggot faggot: and then i wanted to try it.
wtf you tramp: i didnt even know what anything was that night
wtf you tramp: lol
xx faggot faggot: i want to know how it feels to touch skina nd want to fuck
wtf you tramp: i want to be a vampire slayer
wtf you tramp: :]
xx faggot faggot: haha me too
xx faggot faggot: i want to be a pokemon master more though
wtf you tramp: psssh ill fucking cut your bulbasaur with my stake
xx faggot faggot: hhaahaha
xx faggot faggot: pikachu will shock you liek a mother
wtf you tramp: bitch i live forever
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
xx faggot faggot: well u know what
xx faggot faggot: i can go to the pokemon center
xx faggot faggot: SHIT.
wtf you tramp: your pika would have a stake the size of a 10 inch dick in its head
xx faggot faggot: hahaha
xx faggot faggot: then ill pull out my charmeleon an dlet him blast you with his flame thrower.
wtf you tramp: that what my holy water is for
wtf you tramp: to suck the devil right out his ass
xx faggot faggot: hahahahhaa
wtf you tramp: i win
xx faggot faggot: then, i turn into a digimon
xx faggot faggot: hahaha
xx faggot faggot: and i do some wickid ass power.
wtf you tramp: pssh and ill turn into a card captor
xx faggot faggot: hahahahahaha
xx faggot faggot: and then i turn into yugioh
wtf you tramp: fuck it ill do black magic on your ass
xx faggot faggot: and throw out at you a blue eyes dark dragon or whatever the hell its called
xx faggot faggot: lol
xx faggot faggot: ill turn into a sumo wrestler and break every bone in ur body
wtf you tramp: blue eyes whiteeee dragon dumbass
xx faggot faggot: hahaha
xx faggot faggot: okay
xx faggot faggot: i was close
xx faggot faggot: lol
wtf you tramp: bitch ill turn into a twinkie and mr sumo wrestler will go googly eyes for me
xx faggot faggot: HAHAHAHAHHAA
xx faggot faggot: okay you win
xx faggot faggot: HAHAHAHAHHAhA
xx faggot faggot: i love you hahaha
xx faggot faggot: that's some hilarious shit.
xx faggot faggot: that's going in my livejournal!
xx faggot faggot: you better be there when im giving birth. lol
xx faggot faggot: you wont. you'll runa way
xx faggot faggot: hahahaha
xx faggot faggot: im scared to though
xx faggot faggot: but ill be doing something liek that at age 28
wtf you tramp: ill be like i have to eat dinner
wtf you tramp: and never come back
wtf you tramp: hahahaha
xx faggot faggot: you big emo
Auto response from wtf you tramp: i overdosed...
Well, i'm getting close friends on myspace now.
I love it. It's awesome.
I get to see my baby tomorrow.
YAYZ. I love him so much.
I'm so happy to be with him.
I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world.