And that's why it's nice to have a clitoris! The end!

Jan 29, 2005 21:37

Oh Bootsie, you crack me up.


What's on your bedside table?: My purple alarm clock, lamp, coins, cup of water, boxes of jewelry and my phone that I don’t use
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: I’d probably have chocolate milk
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Oh god, um…Little Women and I get a little teared up while watching Big Fish. Such a good ending!
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: EVERYTHING! Break my face and reconstruct almost all of it! Boobs, back fat, teeth, everything! Only if it was free though, I could never afford even a botox injection (which I think are really gross)
What is your biggest fear?: See below
What feature are you most insecure about?: My cheeks when I smile, my face looks super fat.
Do you ever have to beg?: Once in a while, mostly for money or attention.
Are you a pyromaniac?: No, love a good campfire though
Do you have too many love interests?: No
Crushes?: Hmmm, yes I suppose I do. I’m still allowed!
Do you know anyone famous?: No, but I know some who are going to be
Spontaneous or plan?: Both
Do you know how to play poker?: Not well, which is why it would be a bad idea to introduce me to a game of strip poker, I’d be naked within three hands
What do you carry with you at all times?: Lip gloss, preferably some change and often my discman
What do you miss most about being little?: That “no cares” feeling. God it was good.
Are you happy with your given name?: I used to hate it, but now I love it. It’s very me.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: Enough to give me complete access to all my friends all the time, because that’s really all I use it for.
What color is your bedroom?: Yellow!
What was the last song you were listening to?: Dare you to move-Switchfoot
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: More then I used to, but still not enough
Do you think you're cute?: Sometimes, I have cute-moments
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: No, what annoys me is people pour million of dollars into a cause that (while worthy) is doing pretty good by now when people are dying on their doorsteps because it’s so cold out.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Depends on the day. Internally, not really, I’m kind of a bitch.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: Friends, though I don't have much of a choice
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: Happy that they’ve found someone!

Mood: Antsy
music: Mr. Brightside, the Killers
my father thinks I am: Funny and worth arguing with, smart and more promiscuous then I really am.
My mother thinks I am: Lazy, not that smart, unrealistic with life but a pretty girl.
My sibling thinks I am: A pain in the ass who takes her earrings but who's hair is fun to braid
my grandma thinks I am: Grandmère thinks I’m pretty and sweet, I’m not sure if Grandma knows who I am anymore.
My grandpa thinks I am: Papa thinks I’m fun to tease (and he’s fun to tease back) and old enough to drink. Grandpa thinks….I don’t talk to him enough? I don’t know, since I don’t talk to him enough.
My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am: Beautiful.
My best friend thinks I am: I guess they all think I’m pretty cool, which makes sense or else they wouldn't waste their time with me.

+your three best qualities = The ability to make others smile and, uh…..oh this is just sad, I can’t think of any others. Help?
+three worst qualities = Not very confident in myself, the necessity to control, well, everything and the inability to control my temper and the things I do when I’m in that state of mind.
+three things you are often complimented for = Eyes, clothes, silliness
+a compliment you got that made you blush = Being told I’m beautiful (because I had never been told that before)
+you get embarrassed when = I can’t learn something right away and lie and say I did, I get teased (meanly, jokingly is fine), I cry in front of anyone, I say something stupid.
+makes you happy = Watching a good movie with Graham. A great party. Quoting Simpsons with anyone I can bounce them off of.
+upsets you = When people say stupid things to me or others. Math. Missing the bus. Not being able to find my socks….the list goes on

Yes or No…

+you keep a diary = 2 lj’s and a notebook, currently orange.
+you like to cook = I don’t like the task, it tends to be too much effort, but I can.
+you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = Everyone does, but putting them here would be making them un-secrets now wouldn’t they?
+you fold your underwear = No, but then most of my underwear amounts to the size of a tissue, so I wouldn't get much done by folding them.
+you talk in your sleep = Probably, I’m a crazy sleeper. I used to get out of my top bunk bed and sleepwalk when I was younger.
+you bite your fingernails = Ew, no. Plus I’m big on keeping them short, long nails are gross.
+you believe in love = Absolutely


x. movie you rented = Garden State, though the last movies I watched were Big Fish and Finding Nemo
x. movie you bought = We never buy movies, it’s like buying books. It just doesn’t happen.
x. song you listened to = Pieces-Sum41
x. song you've downloaded = I can’t download music, my dad’s a virus nazi
x. CD you listened to = Gravity-OLP
x. person you've called = I don’t call people, it’s a phobia. Get over it.
x. person that's called you = Graham, as always
x. TV show you've watched = CSI
x. person you were thinking of = Do you really have to ask that?


x. you wish you could live somewhere else = Yes, although I like my school, it’s just the North End I’m not too fond of. Too many hills.
x. you believe in online dating = I’ve heard it’s worked… but not for me, no thanks.
x. others find you attractive = Apparently so (I still think they’re lying)
x. you want more piercings = Yes, but I can’t think of any good places to get them. Maybe my tragus because it’s cute (although nothing on my ears is very cute) and I’ve always wanted my eyebrow, but Amy Lee pretty much ruined that for me. Who knows, maybe one day something down south….
x. you want more tattoos = I don’t currently have any tattoos, but I’d love to get a small music note or flame one day.
x. you like cleaning = When I get into it, hell yeah
x. you like roller coasters = I’ve never been on a really good one. I want to go on The Hulk!
x. you write in cursive or print = I have to print, and even that’s iffy. My writing looks like chicken scratch.
x. you carry a donor card = I don’t carry one, but then, I don’t even carry my health card even though I should. I think I am though.

Have you…

x. ever cried over a boy/girl = Yes
x. ever lied to someone = Often
x. ever been in a fist fight = Just with my sister and a punching bag. Both which can get surprisingly violent
x. ever been arrested = Nope.


x. shampoo do you use = I don’t know what it’s called, nor do I really care.
x. shoes do you wear = I have many shoes. My most common ones tend to be my aqua converse, orange tennis shoes with pink guitar picks on them and my $110 Roots boots that I got at VV for $35 (I’m very proud of that buy).
x. are you afraid of = Losing anyone close to me, doing something stupid and no one will be there to stop me, being alone forever, failing in life, being stuck here forever, heights and the phone.


x. of times I have had my heart broken? Never broken, although I thought it was at the time. So naïve….
x. of hearts I have broken? I hope I never have, if so, those guys need lives, because I really wasn’t worth it.
x. of people I consider my enemies? Hmm, I really couldn’t count. At least one, since Blair is my self (by him) proclaimed arch enemy.
x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? Well see, I’m still there.
x. of CDs' that I own? 20-25 or so? Not nearly enough, and I only listen to about 10 of them.
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? I don’t know if it’s ever shown up, and if so I don’t really care….
x. of things in my past that I regret? Impossible to count, but there aren’t that many. I hate living with regrets; they’re such a waste of time.

Peaceness to the Flame
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