A while back I jotted down some ideas on how I'd shape my thought process when designing new systems. I found the notes again the other day and figure I'll share them, there's still some thinking to be done on them but it's a nice basis for game design.
Phys reps:
- Should maintain the visual continuity/congruence of the setting, exact construction is secondary to appearance when it does not impede immersion or raise safety concerns. For example it would be perfectly acceptable to wear modern underwear or hide your sleeping bag under a wool blanket.
- Should be used in a safe and sensible manner. For example any phys rep for a drug or potion should be safe to consume even if it is not intended for consumption.
Food and Drink:
- Should be stored in and consumed from setting appropriate containers when visible to others.
- Should be appropriate to the setting where practical. For example snacking on fruit rather than fruit gums.
- Exist where it is impractical or unsafe for the player to perform an action. For example injuring another character or applying medicines.
- Open new options rather than limiting existing ones. For example a skill should not be required to wield a weapon, a skill to knock someone off their feet with a weapon may.
- Should be expressed as part of the world rather than apart from it. For example special items should be recognisable by in character markings rather than out of character ones.
- Should assume that the player is trust worthy and thus seek to empower the player rather than control them.
- Seek to empower players and crew through facilitating ownership of the roleplaying experience.
- Ensure a safe roleplaying environment is maintained.
- Observe and respond to both IC and OOC needs of players and crew.
- Provide balanced and considered feedback to players and crew when required.
- Blend into the IC visual, audio and social background where possible.
Players and crew:
- Maintain the validity of the setting through appropriate costume, props, weapons and speech.
- Act in a manner that is considerate of other peoples person and property.
- Portray characters appropriate to the world in which the game is set.
- Maintain a spirit of co-operation in the roleplaying experience.