Title: Thief
missgryff Rating: G
Summary: Remus knows better than to believe Sirius is innocent.
Word Count: 338
Disclaimer: These cuties don't belong to me.
Remus emerged from the loo, intent on returning to his Potions revision. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of his bed (his bed, he’d like someone to remember), once covered in his outlaid book and notes, now covered in a relaxed animagus. “Sirius!”
“Oh yes, dearest Moony?” Sirius batted his eyelashes innocently at Remus, resting his hands behind his head and leaning back against the headboard.
“Don’t you pretend to be blameless with me, Black; I know you better than that,” Remus plastered a scornful expression on his face. “Hand it over.”
“I don’t know who or what pilfered your Potions book, but whoever is responsible did you a favor. It has to be unhealthy to read as much as you do.”
“Sirius, I need to study. Seriously.”
Padfoot narrowed his eyes. “You know, you would have laughed at that if you weren’t upset with me.” Remus proceeded to hunt for his book in Sirius’s bed and trunk. “The potions test isn’t until Tuesday. Do you even know what a Friday means anymore Remus? It means not revising and annoying Snivellus and laughing at James fawn over Lily. Particularly the not revising part.”
“Some of us do care about receiving top marks on the O.W.L.s, you know, and for some of us that actually means studying, Friday or not,” Remus cautiously peered under Sirius’s duvet, holding it up delicately between his thumb and forefinger. No Potions book.
“Well, I didn’t want to do this,” Sirius began exaggeratedly, “but I suppose I’ll have to sneak off to Honeydukes alone,” he got up off Remus’s bed and sauntered towards the dorm room door. At that, Remus looked up, a conflicted look on his face. He stood there at the foot of Sirius’s bed for a moment, the battle in his head keeping him still. Before Sirius had shut the door behind himself, Remus was rushing to join him, abandoning the search for his missing textbook. He’d never had the willpower to resist a bar of Honeyduke’s dark chocolate.