Got this from
FBInteresting! SInce i'm an IR person... XDD
*edited some of them*
Have fun my IR's friends! ^^
You know you’re an IR person when…
1. You are addicted to the news. You read at least 5 online newspapers and Op-eds a day - Times, Guardian, International Herald Tribune, Le Monde, New York Times - followed by BBC (to check the weather) and CNN. The Economist is for leisurely Sunday readings and TIME magazine is your weekly glossy tabloid fix (because they’ve got great pictures too)
--> in my case: TV One & Metro TV for tv-breakfast, Detik Finance & Kompas Cyber Media for net-lunch, Kalteng Post or Palangka Post for newspaper-snack-after-lucnch
2. Your heart skips a beat when you see a Breaking News newsflash!
--> for now, not really, coz i'm sick of my job making breaking news four times a day!!
3. You subscribe to a breaking news alert popup for your desktop
--> not on desktop, just e-mail...
4. You are constantly amazed by how clueless non-IR students are about the world around them. What war?
--> XDD so true!!
5. You know you could easily have done Economics or Law at university…. but it would have been too bland to endure for three years. It would also have been too much work!
--> ups, sorry for economic or law students! ;P
6. You practice drawing the map of the world free-handedly without any reference
--> i'm bad on drawing, when i draw map of world all you can see is bunch of poo! seriously! >.<
7. You've already designed a new flag for your country for when you rule it
--> the name of country is Kato Kingdom... with shige as king? he will design the flag by himself! XDD
8. 1897, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1917, 1926, 1929, 1938-40, 1942, 1945, 1947-8, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1979, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1997, 2001 -- You know the significance of these dates
--> 1945! independence day of Indonesia! Haha...
9. You don't believe the news until you've read it in at least two languages
--> umm, no, until it confirmed at least two people in IR class...
10. You apply foreign policy analysis theory when helping people with relationships: "Listen, he's had his unipolar moment but in order to sustain order this has to be a bipolar affair. You're just not going to get a just regime until you have order." "I know she may have a boyfriend but let’s be honest, she's just satisficed. They don't have compatible Weltanschauungen." "Listen, you can't treat her as if she's a rational actor. Every time she spends time with her friends they alter her perception with groupthink." -- Thank you Callum!
--> LOL
11. You'd rather visit the scene of a recent warzone than have a holiday where you just lie on the beach
--> eeh? recent warzone? i prefer beach, pardon me...
12. You think China is overrated
--> somehow, yeaa...
13. You know democracy is overrated
--> somehow, yeaa...
14. You are sick of studying the Cold War
--> and want to vomit
15. You fantasize about being a secret agent
--> or detective, with Sherlock Holmes as partner
16. Sometimes you wonder what it would feel like to be Swiss
--> and dream how to rob Zurich
17. Bush-bashing goes on in your IR classes at least once a day. Sometimes you feel bad for Bush. NOT.
--> not anymore, Obama took the prize from Bush
18. Your classes are multinational and you love it that way
--> love you guys ♥♥♥
19. Sometimes you indulge in Barry Buzan’s bizarre fantasies of alien invaders and security conspiracy theories… but sometimes you just want to smack him on the head
--> and wondering why he didn't become a novelist? Haha...
20. Michael Cox - love him or hate him. Because "fat people don’t vote communist"
--> Cox? wait the minute! *open Penguin Dictionary*
25. Power, state, system, systemic, interdependence, actors, polarity, hegemony, game theory, security dilemma, democratic peace theory? Realpolitik -- ‘nuff said
--> why does it sounds so familiar?
26. You’re still not 100% sure how to spell the Peloponnessian War, no, Peloponessian War, no, Pelopponnessian War, no, Peloponnesian War, yes!
--> no need! Perang Peloponesia in Bahasa, i love my native language!
27. You can write a stinging essay about UN reform. But then you feel bad for being such a hypocrite and a poor defender of the international community
--> i hope i have bravery as this girl: 28. You know Resolutions 678, 687, 1441 like the back of your hand
--> sorry? what number?
29. Sometimes you get depressed about the state of the world
--> anytimes!
--> *nods*
31. Wikipedia has saved your ass many times
--> psstt! do not tell anybody!
32. Realism, liberalism, Marxism, Gramscian, constructivism, functionalism, critical theory (post-modernist, post-colonial, feminist), English school and neo-everything. You know enough -isms to last a lifetime. Knowing too many has been hazardous to your health
--> din't forget to add shigelitesm! XDD
33. You’re still not sure how to answer: “So what do you actually study in IR?”
--> aahh... this question...
34. You don’t know what to do with your IR degree
--> so real!!
35. You always are (or try to be) diplomatic and politically correct
--> honestly, yes
36. You’re going to be a future leader of the world. Some of us will be bureaucratic paper-pushers writing endless policy papers that will probably never be adopted. Some of us will be corrupt Third World dictators
--> IYA DA!!
37. You have mixed feelings about Bono. The Red campaign is (Red)iculous
--> sorry Bono, but still i love your songs, don't worry...
38. You wonder how a Hilary Clinton/Ségolène Royal/David Cameron world would look like. You also wonder how a Barack Obama/Nicolas Sarkozy/Gordon Brown world would look like
--> too much wonder... hfff
39. You are passionate for and excited by the world around you
--> count me, count me!
40. You ♥ humanity
--> yes, i am ^^
That's all for today!
*to Tina-chan: i'll save that meme for the next post*
Have a good Thursday anyone...