So yesterday was pretty fun umm i have only one complaint and that is that i got only one hour of sleep other than that it was pretty fun and umm thats about all i have to say about that im kind of thinking to day isnt ganna be very good but the left over craack show is tonight and im kind of excited
So umm i woke up early today emptied the dish washer then filled it with all the dirty dishes cut the grass with the push mower cause the riders broken swept the driveway vacumed the house and then emptied the dish washer againand then showered and now im on here and im board so someone find me something to do now pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Awww Shit so today i walked for like ever it made my legs hurt ahha what can i say sometimes plans just dont come together like they should ... so um yeah theres not much else i have to say perhaps a cool party will be going on now cause sitting heres not very full-filling or something like that yeah ..