Title: A Common Bond
intopoliticsRating: Gee
Characters: Ginger. Josh.
Spoilers: Through Memorial Day
Disclaimer: All theirs. Not mine.
Summary/Notes/Warnings: AU, short, sort of slashy and weird. :) Many thanks to
ninefish for beta skills and support. <3
They were the words she never expected to hear. Donna. Dead.
She sat there, numb, her brain screaming that the reports were wrong - they had to be wrong. She desperately wanted to be in Germany with Josh. She should have been there. She would have done something, anything to prevent this from happening. She would have recognized there was something wrong, would have made them remove the clot before it killed her.
She refused to believe it was true. Donna would be home any day, smiling and full of stories about Gaza. It was only when Josh returned, weary and sunken-eyed, that she finally accepted the truth.
It was the pain in his eyes that decided it for her; the pain they both felt, only his was recognized by all and hers, just like everything else, was hidden deep within. They could grieve together, she decided, and put in her request for the transfer.
She expected anger from him, expected him to outwardly express his emotions like he had so many times before. She never expected him to withdraw into himself, to speak only when absolutely necessary, to be courteous.
She would often catch him staring at a piece of paper or a photo and knew that he was once again lost in a memory of Donna - it happened to her frequently enough to recognize the behavior. She attempted to reach out to him, desperate to have someone to talk to, someone that would understand the emptiness inside of her, but he refused.
No one understood why she was so moody; they assumed it was a result of working with Josh. She didn't bother to dissuade them of that idea; instead she allowed them to inquire after Josh. To the outsiders she responded simply; to the inner circle she responded by expressing her own anguish. Never did they consider it wasn't Josh she was speaking of.
She didn't expect his comfort when he discovered her crying on the one month anniversary. But as they stared into each others eyes, they found the strength they both would need to survive. They would miss Donna forever, but they now had each other to turn to, someone who understood the permanent void she left in their lives. That, and their memories, would have to be enough.