Another new but hopefully useful introduction:
I am a 39 year old, married, mother of two. I believe that writing, "farming" and privately educating my G&T son (with assistance from a state-approved, online school) are the most important activities in my life. I also take care of the house and meet obligations to extended family & friends in a town that is about an hour's drive from my home. Beyond that I try to have as much fun as possible. (Yes, I am a hedonist.) My particular interests, aside from those listed above, include: belly dancing, cooking, knitting, walking, yoga, continuing self-education (music, languages, spirituality, etc.) and recording my much appreciated life in words and pictures.
If we share attitudes or interests, please leave a comment that includes a link to your list.
Good luck to us all :)
My Evil-Twin Mission 101 List Start Date: July 27, 2006 10:00 pm
End Date: April 24, 2009 10:00 pm
Monthly successes:
July - August '06 = 5 items / September '06 = 4 / October '06 = 3 /
12 / 101
Wren's Mission 101 List
Items marked with an "H" involve developing a habit.
Items marked with an "F" are finite.
Bolded items are in progress.
Note: Completion for the "every month" items = an 80% success rate (26 out of the 32 full months).
(That allows 6 misses.)
Sensuousness / Spirituality / Life Appreciation:
H 001 Do yoga / meditation / "zen-sleep" 20 days each month. (relaxation) [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. (September '06 @ 100%)
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months. (October '06 @ 85%)
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 001 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=B,
H 002 Walk / Dance / Chores 20 days each month. (moderate exercise) [1/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one sucessful month. (October '06 @ 100%)
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive sucessful months.
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive sucessful months.
*F = Cross off # 001 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=C, Oct06=A,
F 003 Learn & memorize a complete, beginner-level, belly dancing routine.
F 004 Buy, improvise or make a basic belly dancing bodice & skirt.
*Think gypsy-style; good for ren-fest too.
F 005 Make a fabulous hip scarf with small bells.
H 006 Wear hats with an attitude. [3/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F Obtain a great hat wardrobe. (summer wardrobe base complete)
*oo6 is completed when both of the above are crossed off. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Aug=B, Sept06=B, Oct06=B,
H 007 Knit frequently. [0/32]
*Small projects like fingerless gloves, shawls, scarves/mufflers & kitchen linens.
* Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F Make 13 knitted projects (inc. 5 for ME). [0/8 0/5]
*oo7 is completed when both of the above are crossed off.
Grades: Sept06=D, Oct06=D,
H 008 Develop weekly bread baking habit. [0/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F Master baking 6 types of bread. Be able to make with minimal notes and fuss. [0/6]
*oo8 is completed when both of the above are crossed off.
Grades: Aug=C, Sept06=D, Oct06=D,
H 009 Take monthly photos for ongoing projects. [1/32]
*4--landscape, my body, my son, seasonal day in the life
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F Photograph all 12 months of the backyard landscape as the seasons change.
*F Photograph 13 months of my body as my lifestyle changes take effect.
*oo9 is completed when all 3 of the above are crossed off.
Grades: Aug=F, Sept06=D, Oct06=B,
H 010 Work on Almanac / Grimoire Project at least twice each month. [0/32]
*Use "Personal Historian" program.
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
Grades: Aug=F, Sept06=F, Oct06=C,
F 011 Spend an entire week studying each tarot card - get through the deck [2/78]
*Workings, notes, etc. That's two or three cards each month, with wiggle room.
Grades: Aug=F, Sept06=F, Oct06=B,
F 012 Get a professional pedicure.
H 013 Have callus-free, smooth, pretty feet. [3/32]
completed as of 8/13/06 - keep track and grade hereafter
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=B, Oct06=A,
F 014 Restorative immersions 20 days each month. [1/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*Immerse daily for 21 consecutive days.
Grades: Aug=?, Sept06=?, Oct06=B,
H 015 Substitute tea, cocoa, water, coffee etc. for most of Diet Pepsi. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 13 days of no more than 2 daily sodas.
*F = Cross off this line after one month of no more than 3 sodas per day.
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 015 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=D, Oct06=A,
H 016 Reduce / eliminate fast food. (Chipotle is “good” food and exempt.) [1/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 13 days of no bad fast food.
*F = Cross off this line after one month of no more than 1 fast food stop per week.
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 016 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Oct06=A,
H 017 Eat one in-season food -- or a new food -- mindfully every month. [2/32]
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,
F 018 Order small satellite package with one DVR units.
Completed October 30th, '06
H 019 Celebrate a no-electronics-sabbath once a month. [0/32]
*no entertainment electronics & no driving from sun-down to sun-down
*F Original Goal: Cross off this line after 6 successful sabbaths. [0/6]
H 020 Have at least one adventure each month. [2/32]
H 021 Give a gallon of blood. [1/8]
underway as of 8/31/06: found permanent donation site
Family Unity & Other Relationships
F 022 Get computers synchronized so we can play a mutiplayer game regularly.
H 023 Work on scrapbooks at least once a month. [0/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F Choose and start a fresh scrapbook for right now.
*o23 is completed when both of the above are crossed off. Keep track and grade thereafter.
H 024 Go on at least one family outing each month. (museum, attraction, show)[3/32]
H 025 Contact each Godchild monthly. [2/32]
*F Original goal: Cross off this line after 6 consecutive months. [2/6] September '06--
H 026 Cook for Anoka family members at least 2wice per month. [3/32]
*F Cross off this line after 6 consecutive months. [3/6]
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=A, Oct06=B,
F 027 Get Gmom settled into her new apartment.
completed as of 8/21/06
H 028 Write one short story or article per month, starting September 2006. [0/32]
H 029 Let rest one month and then rewrite to specific market starting October 2006. [0/31]
H 030 Submit one new short each month starting November 2006. [0/30]
F 031 Find or create an online writer's group. (networking & support)
H 032 Write at least one "fan letter" per month. (networking & support) [1/32]
F 033 Finish pre-plotting work for novel.
Completed in early October, '06.
F 034 Plot entire novel.
F 035 Complete novel.
F 036 Complete final draft of novel.
F 037 Create submission package for agents.
F 038 Begin submitting novel to agents.
F 039 Create novel's submission package.
F 040 Begin submitting novel to publishers.
F 041 Pre-plot second novel.
F 042 Plot entire 2nd novel.
F 043 When Last-Day comes, I should be working on writing novel #2.
F 044 Outline book project for "Keeping Score"
Education & Art
F 045 Purchase a lap harp and learn how to play 10 songs. [0/10]
F 046 Purchase Latin tutor and learn at least first level.
F 047 Purchase Italian tutor and learn at least first level.
F 048 Create clogging/karate practice area. (patio / garage)
F 049 Enroll my son in on-going Karate classes
underway as of 8/21/06: found dojo & interviewed instructor September '06
completed as of September '06.
F 050 Set up timeline project to my satisfaction.
Provide globe, better map mount, cork strip in hallway.
F 051 Enroll my son in a good school.
underway as of 08/14/06
completed as of 08/24/06
H 052 Help my son adjust to working at the appropriate level for 5-6 hours per day. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. September
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 052 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,
H 053 Help my son relearn to enjoy learning for learning's sake. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. September
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 053 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,
F 054 Kill or get rid of excess roosters. (Reduce to two coops w/ happy hens.)
underway as of 8/24/06: found next poultry swap on (Sept. 9th)
September: excess roosters gone; winter coops prepared.
F 055 Grow and preserve tomatoes.
[years here]
F 056 Grow cucumbers and make pickles.
[years here]
F 057 Grow & preserve green beans.
[years here]
F 058 Pick strawberries and make real jam.
[years here]
F 059 Pick apples and make apple butter again.
[years here]
F 060 Preserve many pints of blueberries.
[years here]
F 061 Convert to 50% or better cruelty-free, free-range meats and poultry.
*F = Cross off in this line after finding source for: turkey, sausage, chicken, pork, beef.
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month.
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 061 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
F 062 Convert to 50% or better cruelty-free, free range dairy products.
*F = Cross off in this line after finding source for: milk, cream, cheeses, other.
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month.
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 062 when we are consuming 50% or better good dairy. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Completed in October, '06. Keep track and grade hereafter. Continue looking for cheese sources.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,
F 063 Clean out remaining chicken coops by Sept. 2006.
2 coops completed September
F 064 Sheet mulch all fallow garden beds by winter 2006.
F 065 Clean chicken coops and expand garden beds each additional year.
[2007 2008]
F 066 Sustainable gardens: study and outline plans (inc. budget)
F 067 Eco-friendly, barefoot lawn: study and outline plans (inc. budget)
F 068 Create an eco-friendly barefoot lawn.
F 069 Beekeeping: study and outline plans (inc. budget)
F 070 Plant a three-sisters garden.
F 071 Plant three apple trees. (Another midget and two dwarf)
F 072 Plant baby evergreens to reinforce privacy screen.
F 073 Plant lilacs in ideal spot.
F 074 Choose and plant at least one more variety of fruit tree.
F 075 Create a neighbors' garden behind the mailbox.
F 076 Build a small produce stand for neighbors' garden area.
H 077 Work on D--'s house 4 or more times per month. [2/32]
*This is categorized as a habit because I expect it to take a year.
*F = Cross off this line after one sucessful month. [6/4]
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive sucessful months. [2/4] September '06 = 2 times
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive sucessful months. [0/4]
*F = Cross off # 072 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
My Habitat
F 078 Help my son build a sturdy, raised, shaded fort or tree “house”.
F 079 Install family touchstone at bottom of stairs.
*This repairs a hole in the concrete floor.
F 080 Improve patio.
*Make an entertaining/writing space inc. lights / lanterns, etc.
F 081 Paint studio.
F 082 Create a studio from M--'s old bedroom.
completed as of 8/13/06
F 083 Have downstairs toilet repaired.
F 084 Have septic tank pumped out.
F 085 Paint the upper bathroom.
F 086 Repaper damaged wall in lower bath.
F 087 Finish painting all the doors & trim in my house brilliant white.
*mudroom lower bath hallways kitchen studio upper bathroom son's room
*touchup: dining room living room master bedroom
F 088 Paint the stairway and upper hallway walls.
F 089 Finish the dining room floor.
F 090 Paint all kitchen cabinets brilliant white.
F 091 Replace some of the cabinet door fronts with stained glass or copper screen.
F 092 Repair or replace all broken household drawers, shelves, cupboards.
F 093 Repair or replace kitchen tile. (counter top)
F 094 Add one whimsical trompe l'oeil to each room. (Fae-Mouse Town)
F 095 Confine 95% of smoking to outdoors, studio, away & bars. [3/32]
completed as of 8/13/06 - keep track and grade hereafter
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=A, Oct06=B,
F 096 Get rid of all garbage and useless appliances & furniture.
F 097 Incorporate a healthy, supportive "daily dozen" into my life -- PART ONE [1/32]
*Track efforts to complete my 12 most important maintenance-type tasks at least 20 days of each month.
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. (October '06 @ 80%)
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 001 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Sept06=C, Oct06=B,
F 098 Incorporate a healthy, supportive "daily dozen" into my life -- PART TWO [0/32]
*Complete each of my 12 most important maintenance-type tasks 20 days of each month.
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month.
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off this line after 3 consecutive successful months.
*F = Cross off # 001 after completing the above three benchmarks. Keep track and grade thereafter.
Grades: Oct06= C,
Everything Else
F 099 Pay off $300 debt to our daughter. [3/6 payments]
F 100 Obtain one of these: screened porch OR sky-watching/writing gazebo OR hot tub.
101 ? This spot reserved for whatever captures my fancy in the next 1001 days.