Started: Thursday, July 27, 2006, 10:00 PM
To Be Completed By: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 10:00 PM
Progress: [56/101] items completed as of day [601/1001] on Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I made myself a big ol' chart with Post-It notes on it to help me keep my eyes on the prize for the remaining
13 months. Most of my open goals have also found their way onto my
43Things list,
where I'm much more likely to make an entry about ongoing progress.
Items Completed Since Last Update:
7, 10, 27, 45, 60, 62, 84
12/14/20077Get a replacement mask for CPAP
01/13/200827Repair/replace broken drawer in kitchen
01/19/200845Donate another gallon of blood
01/28/200810Get my blood pressure back down to 120|80 or "better" without BP medication
02/15/200884Pay 2007 state and fed income taxes, in full, on or before Tuesday, April 15, 2008
03/04/200862Get a grey suit, white shirt, silk tie, etc. suitable for formal dress occasions
03/07/200860Get a professional full-body massage
Items in Progress:
22, 37, 68, 87, 100
22Get down to 300#
37Replace VHS movies with DVDs (approximately 25 movies)
68Create a $1000 emergency fund
87Drink a hurricane in a French Quarter bar in New Orleans
100Juggle 4 balls for 20 consecutive throws, ending cleanly
Previously Completed Items:
1-6, 8-9, 11-21, 26, 28-29, 31-32, 36, 38-44, 46, 48-50, 53, 64-65, 71-72, 74-77, 80-83
07/27/20061Post this list to the Mission101 group on LiveJournal, along with start and end dates
07/29/20063Finish my "Classic Rock Top 500" collection, load to iPod, and burn to DVD
07/30/200639Get the boy a video card so his games will work on his PC
07/31/20062Get a new belt
08/01/20064Write that first letter to Dad to re-establish contact
08/04/20065Get new contact lenses (requires eye exam)
08/12/200629Get the Saturn's headlights pointed straight enough so it can still be driven at night
08/26/200615Eat breakfast at/from home for 30 consecutive days
09/19/200671Enter all receipts daily and balance accounts, 30 days in a row
09/19/200613Skip "Tuesday Morning Treats" for 8 consecutive weeks
09/25/200611Nail down 2/day toothbrushing habit...60 consecutive days
09/28/200612Re-establish the flossing habit...minimum every 2nd day, 60 days running
10/21/20066Master the multiplication tables through 20x20
10/25/200618Avoid french fries for 90 consecutive days
12/04/200664Complete Project "S"
12/05/20069Wear CPAP for 30 consecutive nights
12/14/200644Donate a flock of chickens via
The Heifer Project
12/18/20068Take my sister out for lunch
12/20/200648Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
12/29/200617Avoid McDonald's food for 90 consecutive days
12/31/200676Find out our current FICO score
01/01/200750Learn to make sushi
01/04/200714Brown bag lunch 2/week for 8 consecutive weeks
01/12/200780Increase 401(k) contribution to 5%
01/14/200719Obtain a good scale (i.e. one that weighs accurately up to at least 350#)
01/18/200716Take daily supplements (multi-vitamin & fish oil) for 60 consecutive days
01/18/200743Get printer networked so the boy and best belovéd can print directly from their 'puters
02/23/200720Get down to 350#
03/06/200738Get the sound on best belovéd's laptop fixed
03/16/200765Complete Project "N"
04/07/200783Pay 2006 state and fed income taxes, in full, on Monday, April 16, 2007
04/17/200777Get copies of our credit report from the 3 major credit reporting agencies
04/21/200749Select, memorize, and be able to recite two pieces of poetry, spoken word, or dramatic monologue
04/22/200741Get PhotoShop CS3
04/25/200736Get the boy a properly-sized bicycle and teach him to ride
05/14/200726Get the septic tank pumped (before it's too late!)
05/27/200753Leave a 100% tip (it's been a while...)
06/16/200732Clear out the garage well enough that two vehicles can park there
06/17/200728Repair/replace drawer in main floor bathroom
06/17/200746Grow my hair another 6" (or thereabouts) and donate it to
Locks of Love
06/27/200721Get down to 325#
07/13/200781Increase 401(k) contribution to 6%
07/21/200740Get a second monitor for my 'puter (so I can run dual monitors at home)
09/05/200772Maintain positive checking balances (NO overdrafts), 180 days in a row
09/21/200774Get all medical bills paid off
09/23/200742Get a digital SLR camera
09/26/200775Pay off our only remaining car loan (the Alero)
10/19/200782Increase 401(k) contribution to 7%
11/02/200731Get rid of the Saturn and the Alero, and have two good working vehicles plus a backup