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mission101 Stroke through = done
Bolded that isn't the titles = partly done
1.Save at least 1000 Euros on my card-free bank account (I have to either transfer to my other account or go to the bank to get money out of it)
2.Buy (unless bought to me):
- a skirt I like and wear it
- every perfume on my wanted list
- fingerless gloves (woollen, preferable dark colored) Got as a gift
- something expensive (designer stuff, perfumes don’t count)
- a new (larger) jewellery box
- a new (better-looking) box for religious stuff
- a keepsake box
- 1-2 of ankle-high trainers [0/1-2]
- a new computer (must have a CD burner and right programs) Got an used one from my parents
- a citrus-peeler More like a scratcher, but that's what I meant.
- another pair of pyjamas (unless get them as a gift)
- two more pairs of jeans, one black [0/2]
- T-shirts to replace some old ones
- Chinese-style small saucers, food-plates and soup spoons
- Body Shop shower gels that I like
- stuff from Lush
- new sunglasses
- 1-3 jigsaw puzzles (and have complete them)
- bags: a nice handbag, an ethnic bag, a messenger bag, a new shopping bag [0/4]
- as many vegetarian/vegan books on the shopping list as possible
- three scratchcards [3/3]
- a Rubik’s cube (without expecting solve it)
- all Sandman graphic novels [0/12]
- a toy penguin (not terribly big though)
- a chess board
- a coloring book, and crayons (and complete it)
- Post-Its (and use them)
- a weight scale (non-battery)
- bubbles-blowing thing, at least once
3. Keep a log of everything I spend for at least six months in a row, and make a budget [0/6]
4.Fanfic: one on each fandom, crossover, multi-part, nc-17 level, and in one fandom I read but don’t write in yet
5.Write a review to album-reviews at least once a week
6.List and make a mix CD of songs heard during 93-94 French schoolyear
7.Write: a poem, a haiku [0/2], and if I succeed, write 9 more of each [0/18]
8.Comment on every single fan fiction I have saved for later readings, for a year (Done, and I will keep going on this, it has been really good for me)
9.Do stream-of-consciousness writing at least once a month
- plan (also for after-goal)
- reach 70 kg and plan how to keep it
11.Try a new recipe from my cookbooks once a month (must include soups and at lest 10 foreign ones (incl. green pistachio chicken curry)! [0/10])
12.Drink a minimum of 1 liter/8 glasses of water daily
13.Try: bananas (again), pomegranate, brussel sprouts [3/3]
Done! 1.more bearable though still not nice enough, hint of cinnamon. 2.fantastic! 3.better, but still meh.
14.Take a bath once a month (and make it bubbly!)
15.Remember to keep my back straight and feet on the floor while on the computer
16.Get the mole on my upper right side of chest removed (birthday present?)
17.Restart my morning/evening beauty routine and stick to it
18.Shave armpits weekly
19.Plan & put to practice (and plan & change it every few months): at-home exercise program, dumbbell exercise program
Hobbies & entertainment
20.Watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “Little Miss Sunshine” [1/2]Saw the latter, not as good as I thought it would be. Loved the boy and Hodges. :) 2010: failed the chance to watch the former
21.Have a marathon of a bunch of movies or series of choice ten times minimum [7/10]
Rule with series: must watch at least 2 seasons in a row, at least one every day until done.
1. Criminal Minds (3 seasons), 2. CSI:Miami (5 seasons), 3. 24 (5 seasons and the movie), 4. Psych (2 seasons), 5. Law&Order:Criminal Intent (2 seasons), 6. Scrubs (5 Seasons), 7. The Mentalist (2 seasons).
22.Watch an episode five television series I never have before [5/5] 1.In Treatment (lost interest), 2.Breaking Bad (no like), 3.Fringe (LOVED), 4.Life (*sigh* LOVED), 5.Monk (lost interest)
23.Spend an entire day listening to the Beatles Anthology, all the way through
House & organisation
24.Get a good shelving system into the living room (next to the tv stand), preferably one with room for my vinyls and a good top to put an altar on
25.Get at least two solid chairs for my kitchen
26.Get rid of 101 material things I don't really need [6/101] 1-2.Two winter coats, 3.My "Melody Maker" (music paper, RIP) collection, 4. A ton of bathroom produts, 5. A huge pile of printer paper, 6. One pair of blue Nike shoes
27.Clean and organise my desk, closet, bathroom closet, wardrobe [2/4] 1.My closet, 2. My bathroom closet.
28.Spend half a day each week cleaning house
29.Change sheets every four months
30.Use the scented oil burner (at least four times) [0/4]
31.Donate money, at least 33 times, to all the places I want to donate to at least once, no matter how small a sum it is [4/33]
32.Make a proper recycling place in my flat (incl. paper, cartons, metal, glass etc.)
33.Reduce my carbon footprint significantly (after planning how)
34.Work out a plan as how to simplify things in my life (based on what I’ve gathered on paper)
35.Get a new ID
36.Get new passports for yourself [1/2] (dual citizen) Got my Finnish passport.
37.Wake up when the alarm goes off on days that I don’t have to be anywhere on time, too
38.Identify 30 things I like about myself [0/30], and 101 things that make me happy [0/101]
39.List 101 things I am grateful [0/101]
40.Identify 5 bad habits and work to end them [0/5]
41.Leave 10 pieces of guerrilla writing in public (5 in library books, 5 in bookshop books) [0/10]
42.Wander through the woods at least 20 times [0/20]
43.Dress up for no particular reason at least once
44.Keep a notebook in my pocket at all times
45.Spend a whole day in bed
46.Read the following books:
All the Lord of the Rings books (except Silmarillion cos it’s been read) [0/4]
Animal Farm
The Atrocity Exhibition
Bible: NIV, Amplified & New Jerusalem [0/3]
Bonfire Of The Brands
Brave New World
Building Self-Confidence For Dummies
The Chronicles of Narnia
[one book removed since I won't be reading it, at least not enough to count anywhere]
The last two Bret Easton Ellis books I haven’t read (Rules of Attraction and Lunar Park) [1/2] Read the first one.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
House of Leaves
The Koran, and find 101 passages that mean something to me [18/101] (partial success, in that I read it, but found not enough to get to 101;
the passages I did like)
Life Of Pi
No Logo
Not Buying It This was put in the 'going out' box
1001 Books/Films To Save Your Life
1001 Ways You Can Save The Planet
Picture Of Dorian Grey
The last two Anne Rice books I haven’t read (Interview... and The Vampire Armand) [2/2]
All Scifi books you own
The complete works of Shakespeare (this is THICK)
The Time Traveler’s Wife
Veronika Decides To Die
War And Peace
All Virginia Woolf you own and haven’t read [1/6] Read "The Voyage Out" only.
Wuthering Heights & Jane Eyre
10 biographies of choice [6/10] 1. Meade - "Eleanor Of Aquitaine", 2. Pernoud - "Joan Of Arc, By Herself & Her Witnesses", 3. Traig - "Devil in the Details", 4. Cox - "Confessions of a Cat Man", 5. Ogura - "Letters from Hiroshima", 6. Bauby - "The Diving Bell & The Butterfly"
5 plays of choice [1/5] 1. T.Williams - "A Streetcar Named Desire"
Anthologies: short story, poetry [2/2] 1.Sister Wendy Beckett - "Speaking To The Heart" (poetry), 2. Astley (ed.) - "Staying Alive: Real Poems For Unreal Times" (poetry too)
47.Read the books on my nightstand [0/4]
48.Read all finished manga series next to bed, then unfinished ones, then all yaoi ones
49.Go to a bookshop, close my eyes, grab something at random and buy it (if it’s a book already in possession, have another go)
50.Go to the bookstore, go to the self against the wall and purchase the 22nd book on the middle row (unless it’s one I already own in which case, purchase the 27th) and buy it
51.Spend three afternoons (at least) reading in the park [0/3]
52.Brush up vocabulary: Finnish, English, French
53.Brush up on French grammar
54.Learn to identify five constellations by sight [0/5], 10 species of trees [0/10], of birds [0/10]
55.Learn how to play Go
56.Learn 10 useful knots [0/10]
57.Learn to tie a tie
58.Develop a secret talent
59.Learn to write with my left hand
60.Memorise the capitals of every country regularly
61.Go to the far-end beach of Ruissalo national park again at least once each summer [0/3]
62.Have afternoon tea at Aschan (cafe) at least once
63.Go to the bird pond once a week during late-spring/summer
64.Go to at least two restaurants I haven’t been in before [1/2] 1.Delhi Darbar (mother's treat; Indian)
65.Go on a real picnic on a blanket in the grass
66.Go bowling
67.Go to a classical music concert
68.Get my mother flowers (and not on her birthday, mother’s day, or Christmas)
69.Sit under a tree and people watch
70.Get an extra loop on the rosary bracelet
71.Start using the Pearls Of Life prayer beads (it’s on Wiki)
72.Meditate daily
73.Pray twice a day, minimum
74.Read the Bible every day, at least twice a day
75.Keep a spiritual/prayer diary
76.Keep a gratitude journal and write in it daily
77.Go to church on Sundays, at least
78.Spend an entire night in prayer, worship, and Bible study (repeat if I want)
79.Find 101 passages from the Bible that mean something to me [0/101]
80.Create a travel altar
81.Read all the books on my ‘Christian books’ list
82.Re-read some of my Christian books (see list)
83.Buy frankincense essential oil (when tealights run out)
84.Memorise seven deadly sins and seven cardinal virtues (repeatedly if needed)
85.Memories ten commandments (repeatedly if needed)
86.Go to London (that’d be the 5th time!) And got to spend time in Cambridge too!
87.Keep a weather-birds diary for a year Kept one in 2010.
88.Wear all my jewellery (not all at once) in public/at parents’ at least once, no matter how ridiculous
89.Get the last photo roll developed
90.Have at least two weeks worth of outfits that all fit and all make me feel confident in my closet at all times
91.Climb a tree
92.Cloud watch
93.Watch the sunrise 10 times [2/10], the sunset 10 times [5/10]
94.Stay awake for 24 hours
95.Play piano just for fun
96.Get on a swing three times [3/3]
97.Go to a beach in winter [0/2]
98.Put a card in a random person’s mailbox at school wishing them a good day, once every other month
99.Live one day as if it was a film about myself and do something interesting in that day
100.Make snow angels three times [0/3]
101. Donate 1 Euro for each goal not met, then make another 101 list by the end of this time period, and celebrate by eating something I want regardless of how healthy it is!
Not very much success (some were also left only partly done), but it was a good challenge. I'll definitely do it again in near future :)