Title: Scared
simbalarae'Verse: Rurouni Kenshin
Claim/Characters/Pairing: General
Rating: pg13
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Summary: Kenji frightened of the storm
Table/Prompt: weather/storm
“Kenji, where did you go?” Kenshin looked around the room as another clap of thunder sounded, followed by a small squeak.
Kenshin made his way over and looked under the table, “Kenji, why don't you come out from under there?” Kenshin asked, being as kind as possible.
He watched the small redhead shake his head and sighed, laying down flat on the floor.
“the storm is not going to hurt you,” Kenshin said, no response from the small form.
“Kenji, I know that your scared,” Kenshin tried, “I can protect you from it.”
It was apparent that his son did not trust him. Kenshin looked around the room, spotting the chocolate he got up long enough to get it and hurried back.
“Kenji, would you like some chocolate?” Kenshin asked.
Kenji looked up for the first time since the storm started, a smile crept over his face. He made his way out from under the table and into his father's arms taking the chocolate from him.
“You know, you give that kid whatever he wants,” Yahiko said.
The next day had dawned bright and warm. Kenshin had taken Kenji to the park and had found Yahiko and Tsubame having a picnic.
“I know,” Kenshin said, “but he really wanted that chocolate.”
“Enough so that he acted like he was scared of the storm, and he lied to you.” Yahiko said.