The semester is ending and I really really hope I will not die in the coming days. No, seriously. I am wrapping up all my stories and it isn't easy, considering all I have to get done for my writing class alone.
Stories to finish:
1. Business story for the Glendale Star, must talk to Chamber of Commerce
2. Police Party Crews story for Arizona Republic
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Comments 6
Your entry made me want cherry pie, too. *wants*
LOL she was in charge of the shirts. Mine says "Self-hating Masochist" on the front, for Rpattz.
You are an awesome sister for taking your sister to see Twilight. I couldn't even imagine doing that.
I am smuggling in a little thing of vanilla vodka just to make the movie that much more awesome :) and plausible.
omfg DON'T GO! don't go see that movie opening weekend and help with the boxoffice sales! dooooooon't!
awww WW diet! I still do not know what costume I want to do. I thought about Donna Troy's space getup but thats gonna be hard! :( i dunnnnnoooo
What does a Wonder Woman diet consist of?
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