I know there's a ton of books I read in high school but didn't record. I knew where they were on the shelves... But then the library changed it all on me and I lost ALL of them. So if anyone knows a book with a character named Gidgabolgo... or detailed descriptions of some sort of glowing ore in cavern walls... or a young woman with silver hair... by all means make speculations as to what these book(s) might be! Oh and one about a girl... during the norman conquest? Trying to ellude soldier? In a marsh... Or one about King Arthur... when he was young? maybe? But it talks a lot about his horse... It was black. The horse not the book. I should add The King's Shadow and The Outlaws of Sherwood... Those I remember. It's really sad... I wish I had kept a record. One summer I read 13 books in 14 days and I can only remember about 3 of the books I read. 1 b/c its an ultimate favorite, 1 b/c it was a Redwall book, and another only because I reread it by accident years later. *sigh* Oh my regretful youth!
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