Yes, because I'm excited I decided to write up a superlong report like always (mostly just because I have a bad memory and want to make sure not to forget stuff). No one's probably going to read this...waaay too long. XDD But it was awesomely fun!
Megacon )
Comments 12
But it was still the best weekend EVER! XD They need to come back again..and come somewhere closer to Texas than Florida! (Too bad Karyu doesn't even know where Texas is...)
LOL. Aww, so cuute ♥
By the way (and I don't mean this rudely at all; I love having random comments from new people XD) how'd you find my journal? XD
I was at the despairsray_fan lj community and where someone said they went to dinner with d'espairsray so I clicked around and ended up at your report ^^
I should join that community...XD I was trying to find the main despairsray one, but hadn't yet. ^^ Can I friend you? Always glad to talk with more fans of Despa. ^^
And you got an indirect kiss from Tsukasa! :3 It's awsome you got teh beer bottle.
You met Eeyore? =0 I need to go to disneyland damnit! T_T
Post piccys soon!
YES! And Zero spit water into my mouth, so I got saliva from two members of the band. XD (I think I'm supposed to be grossed out, but it's too exciting. XD)
YES! Eeyore, Pooh, and Tigger gave me kisses. XD Lots of kisses going around last weekend. I got the most adorable Eeyore plushie. I'll post the pic with Desray and random stuff soon, when I figure out my scanner/digital camera. ^^
Aww eeyore plushie! *o* I luff eeyore, I redid my dorm room with winnie teh pooh plushies and stuff. I just need the comforter and sheets now! :3
w00t *waits patiently for piccys*
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