SOOOooo, I had a cough about a week and a half ago, I thought hey I will just take a few Vitamin C tablets and echinacea drink lots of cold tea. Still didn't get better, not to mention working about 30 hours a week with staying up late working on schoolwork and internet fun, AND allergies.
I was feeling awful by 24th Sunday rolled around, hot, dizzy, coughing so hard that I was throwing up mucus and icky stuff.
I went to the doctor's Tuesday, unfortunately the only spot open was at 2pm when I had classes, I felt nervous about missing class and in the result I heaved up my nervousness all over myself in the car as I was on my way to my first class (about a 12:30-2:45pm class so I missed only half)
Doctor said it's bronchitis with allergies! So antibiotics (which I puke whenever I take them) and lots of allergy pills, nose sprays.
I just want to get better, I have life and work to go to! I am getting a bit of cabin fever of staying inside too much.
I hope I get better by Halloween, there's so much to do!
Pictures from Autumn Meet-up and the X Japan concert will be posted by tomorrow night, I didn't know how many I took and it's taking awhile to resize.
I apologize for the delay!