A - Available: yes
A - Appetite??? mmm I could be hungry but only for dessert
A - Annoyance: my stupid foot is like sprained or something so I look like a fallen gymnast at the Olympics when I walk
B - Best Friend: i have a lot of them!
B - Beer: not a huge fan actually. Love European ales, etc.
B - Birthday: June 9
C - Crush: don't have one right now
C - Car: my VW Bug!
C - Candy: at the moment...Milky Way. I will take anything chocolate. Or something that's fruity with lots of citric acid.
D - Day or night: depends on my mood
D - Dream Car: hybrid SUV
D - Dog or cat: cat, but a small dog would suffice
E - Easiest person to talk to: my sister
E- Eggs: not a huge fan.
E- Email: arcadia.edu and gmail
F - Favorite Month: That's hard. December...for the Christmas season. But April/May/June for the spring season.
F - Favorite color: shades of green. Also, shades of magenta.
F - Favorite Memory: many nights spent completing goofing off and going crazy in my castle room.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: both
G -Gum: orbit
H - Hair Color: brown with the tail-ends of blondish highlights
H - Height: 5'4ish
H - Happy: yep
I - Ice Cream: cookie dough. also: in december, the real pink peppermint with the candy cane pieces
I - Instrument: don't play anything
I - Idol: favorite American Idol so far? Kelly. Runner-up: Carrie.
J - Jewelry: I need more. I don't wear jewelry enough.
J - Job: god I hope I find one soon! :/
J - Jail: never been there.
K - Kids: Not yet. Not for a long time.
K - kickboxing or karate: I used to do kickboxing in high school
K - Kindergarden: I was in Hawaii. There was this stupid kid who kept swallowing coins.
L - Longest Car Ride: um...down to Florida I guess.
L - Longest relationship: 3 months
L - Last Kiss: real kiss? uh, maybe 3 weeks ago.
M - MILK FLAVOR: white. but I do enjoy chocolate every once in a while when I make it. I don't like premade.
M - Most missed person: everybody from AU
M - Movie Last Watched: Superman, the original. on TV.
N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Number of Tatoos: none but I'm contemplating.
N - Name: michelle renee white
O - ONE WISH: that i get a job within the next week
O - One Phobia: losing
O - One regret: i don't have them
P - Pet Peeves: people who don't use their turn signal
P - Part of your appearance you like best: my legs aren't hairy
P - Part of your Personality you like best: i like myself
Q - Quote: "what color is my underwear?" -Lois Lane
Q - Question for the next person: ummm
Q - Quick or Slow: I'm gonna go ahead and say both
R - Reason to smile: I have a whole summer to scrapbook
R - Reality TV Show: American Idol, if that counts.
R - Reasons to cry: missing my friends, but it's not like I'm gonna burst out crying
S - Song Last Heard: Over My Head - The Fray
S - Season: early spring, middle of fall, Christmas season
S - Shoe: flip flops
T - Time you woke: 9:30
T - Time Now: 12:53
T - Time for bed: uhh when i fall asleep
U - U love someone: i love a lot of people
U - Unpredictable: my life, all the time
U - Underwear: not wearing any i'm in a bathrobe
V - Vegetable you hate: lima beans
V - Vegetable you love: raw cucumber
V - Vacation spot: anywhere in Europe
W- Worst Habits: biting my nails, talking too much over the time when people actually want to keep listening to me.
W- Where are you going to travel next?: who knows? I really want to go see friends up north.
W- Weather right now: gray
X - X-Rays: last was at the dentist
X - X-Rated Porn: i've seen some pretty nasty stuff. like by accident you know? cuz college is weird like that.
X - X-xtra special someone: Dr. Haywood. kidding.
Y - You like museums: sure
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: i'm not a huge fan of the color, mainly because I can't wear it, but as a general happy hue, yellow is cool.
Z - Zoo Animal: monkeys.
Z - Zodiac: gemini
Z - Zoolander: Center for Ants