it has been quite some time since a truly substantial post has been written by me.
i believe some of you would even question that statement, of me ever posting anything substantial. i dont really have very many people reading this anymore, and even less are saying anything about it. i guess if you're interested, you can read on :)
So far life has been treating me interestingly.
There have been a lot of lessons being taught to mike and me. They're all just lessons we really just have to learn on our own... fun stuff as always.
Mike and I are still doing GREAT, we have no problems at all whatsoever, completely happy with eachother. Of course, we're still dealing with things, trying to build a life for us together.
Mike was actually sick for the last few days, since wednesday of last week. Wed- Thurs he had a temperature hanging out around 102, give or take... so it was going from 99-104 for two days. rawr. i was takin care of him entirely... friday he stayed home, and saturday and sunday he was still sick... but he did go to work today, so that's good. he really needed to get out of the house.. right now he's just got a crazy cough.
OH OH OH OH OH! and i must mention one thing:
I am so proud of him!! he just quit! cold turkey! and he's doing phenomenally!! he's so strong, i know i'd never be able to do it, if i got addicted to something as strong as nicotine. he had a very hard time, but he didnt slip, not once. he's been quit for a month now. :) :) it's so awesome.
so that's why he's still got a killer cough, but everything else is doing pretty well.
My kitties are doing GREAT! ah i'm so happy with them! Mushu is the most adorable little fatty kitty. SHE PLAYS FETCH!! hahaha i looooove it. she comes up to me when i'm in bed or at the computer and brings a hairtie (the thick black ones) and mews at me. then i throw it and she flys to get it and brings it right back. she's so stinkin cute.
Jasper is doing sooo well. He's the one that had the seizures late last year. We had him on Phenobarbitol (a pill to control seizures) for about two/ three months.. then i started weening him off... Phenobarbitol is bad for his liver and could eventually be the cause of his demise.. so i didnt want him to be on it for very long. or gain a dependence to it. i havent given it to him in two and a half months and he only had one seizure, on thursday morning. so that's really good. and it was only a really little one! he's really skinny, but that's okay. he still eats a lot and drinks all his water, so i know he's getting the nutrition he needs.
April 29 is their first birthday! they're gonna be a year old! they get adult kitty food now!! it's so crazy. i cant belive i frikkin helped birth these kitties and i still have them. that makes me feel really good. they're such a huge part of my family with mike. they're like our babies. i couldnt imagine living without them. :)
So I'm home every day now. I don't have a job, but that's okay :) I take care of stuff around the house and get laundry done and such. I get to talk to my babes all day while he's at work, play with my kitties, make things online. I started getting in to photoshop. it's a lot of fun, i'm learning a lot. I actually made a deviantArt page showing just a few of the things i've made.
if you want to see my page, my name on there is MelsBells, and here's the link: definitely check it out! it's a lot of fun.
I GOT TO SEE MY HELEN ON FRIDAY! *sigh* i missed her! I miss all my friends, but she's a really special one that i almost never ever ever get to see!! ((I'm sorry I still have your sweater!!! as soon as i came upstairs i was like "shit!!" cause i knew we forgot about it... haha i'm so sorry!))
we went to the spectrum, walked around... took a few pics at the apple store ((I totally didnt get them, can you resend them to me??)), went to Barnes & Noble's... I got a mommy book... NO I'M NOT PREG!
[[[[haha, it's called "A Mother's Legacy" And I got it for when I have kids.. It's one of those books that's like, a journal with specific questions like "how did you meet dad" "where was your childhood home" "did you have any traditions when you were a child that you carried over to our family?" those kinds of things.. but there are certain questions i want to answer as soon as possible, so i dont forget anything! and i'm just gonna fill it in as time passes.. cause there are other questions like "how did you feel when I was born" and things like that.. haha]]]]
BY THE WAY!!! Those are the only things i will get before my kids are born, before i even know if i'm going to have kids. i at least hope i'm going to have something to pass down to my children if i have them. i'm not out buying baby clothes for the prospective kids i hope to have. haha, that's silly.
thennnn Helen and I went to lunch at the YardHouse.. which was awesome as always, and our waiter didnt know how to do math, and was awkward. then we went to Coldstone and got some ice cream and we headed back home. She left to go to a memorial service/party, and i came home to take care of my baby :)
Well, i guess it's back to the nothingnessssss :)
If you dont have anything to do and you want to come up and visit me, email me!! I do nothing all day from 7:00am to 4:30ish pm. it'd be fun to hang out!! you can see where i live, up in the boonies!! just email me, or pop me a message over on
myspace. My phone is back up and working, so you can call me or text me :)
okies, byebye!!!!!